FEVER THERMOMETERS - And some for scientific and technical use
Welcome to this presentation of fever thermometers and some technical thermometers. Here are presented thermometers for differnt modes of use and in different body areas, like the ears, forehead, mouth, underarm, rectum and for non-contact use Here are also presented some other interesting health products, fitness products, natural drugs for sexual potency and satisfation. There are also links to places where you can find more natural medical products and natural medicines.
Ear thermometers and behind ear thermometers (tympanic thermometers )
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Thermometers for mouth or underarm readings
or (oral thermometers)
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Thermometers for distant reading - no-contact thermometer
Sometimes checking the temperature
without touching is advicable, and then a non-contact infrared-feeling
thermometer can be used. Some of these thermometers can also be used to check
the themperature of foods, surfaces and objects too.
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Thermometers for mainly use at the forehead or head sides
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Thermometers that can be used in rectum or other places
Here is a presentation of rectal
thermometers or thermometers that can be used in the rectum or other body areas
after one own's choise. Many of these thermometers are designed to be used both in the mouth, the rectum and under the arm.
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Advanced thermometers or measure sets containing thermometers for multi-mode use
thermometers are of an advanced type that can be fitted with special probes for
use in any area of the human body. Moset models are sold with one type of probe
and other types can be purchased as additive equipment.
Stores for home medical articles and professional medical equipment
Equipment for medical treatment, nursing, physical therapies and therapeutic training - including many thermometer models
- This is a good source of blood pressur monitors, fever thermometers, enema equipment, diabetic supplies, catheters and urinary support, equipment for cardiac and circulatory support,
respiratory items, items for ulcer and injury nursing, anesthesia and intensive care items, endoscopic instruments and surgical supplies.
There are a lot of health screening instruments for home use and the professional settings, like blood pressure monitors, puls oximeters, body weight and composition monitors.
Furthermore there are orhopedic devices and braces for protection, support and therapy, to be used during sport activities and in daily life. The shop has a large inventory of physical and mental training devices, especially devices to support childrens development or for rehabilitaion of young and old persons. Furthermore you can find all kind of helping equipment to be used by people with functional impairments.
Smart training devices, massage tools, physical tretment instruments, bath media and other equipment to enhance beauty, fitness and wellbeing
- You find equipment to firm up body shape and improve skin condition. There are equipment to help you relaxe and feel comfortable. There are cleansing and rejuvenation products for the inner organs and the skin. You also find equipment to shape up your hair, to improve hair growth and take away unwanted body hair without pain.
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Products to help by disease, gain fitness and improve sexual life
Natural medicine to increae your ability to store and record memory, to enhance allertnes, to boost thinking acuteness and help for mental tiredness - Brain Pills.
Natural medicines against many
specific diseases
- Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers
disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns,
carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic
fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2,
eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex,
hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media
Click here to find the right product
An exhibition of skin care and anti-aging products
- In this big exhibition there are all types of skin care products, like treatment products for: Aging symptoms
of the skin, acne, scars, rashes, sun-damage,
cellulites, thin skin, edema, miscolored skin, rosacea, psoriasis, etc.
Please go here to see a great exhibition of skin care, cosmetics and anti-aging products
Good products to stimulate vitality, repair aging changes and restore a more youthful body and skin apperance
- These formulas consist of vitamines,
minerals, anti-oxydants and natural biological¸stimulators. One main working principle is to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone in the body. The drugs stimulate the mental and bodily functions and stimulate repair of aging changes. All these drugs give the same effects, but some of them are specialized to give a peak effect on some bodily aspects as indicated below.
You can expect the following improvements: Less wrincles and age symptoms in the skin, more robust and smoother skin, better stamina in work and sport, easier to take away unwanted weight and body fat, easier to gain muscle mass and physical condition, better structure and growth of hair and nails, more easy to maintain a good blood sugar level, denser and stronger bones, you remember and focus better, increased sex lust and performance, improved mental mood, easier to maintain good cholesterole values, sleep improvements, improved vision and senses, improved resistance against diseases, a strengthened immune system.
GenFx - A general rejuvenation drug for the body structure, mental abilities and bodily performance - for women and men:
Provacyl - A natural rejuvenation medicin especially formulated for men that feel a decline in sexual functions:
Phyto350 - anti-aging pills with rejuvenation of the skin as the peak effect:
This product is formulated for men will especially help to restore and further build up muscle mass - a good bodibuilding stimulant:
VigRXPlus - pills for men to make the erections large and sturdy, make erections come easily and make them last long. Also to make you feel more intense good sensations and get stronger orgasms - click here
Provestra - pills for women to induce lust for sex, good pelvic sensations, better lubrication, stronger engorgement and more intense orgasmic reactions. Also to reduce discomfort during menstruation and other stressful periods - click here
VigRXoil - cream for men to instantly stimulate a big and hard erection and intense genital and pelvic pleasure
Vigorell - cream for women to induce intense pelvic pleasure, increased lubrication, bigger engorgement of the vulvar parts and other pleasant physiological reactions - click here
An exhibition of all products to stimulate sexual pleasure and improve sexual abilities, also sexual toys of all kind - for men and women
Vitamins. minerals, anti-oxidants,
glyconutrients, noni, acai mangosteen and other supplements
All products to help for
specific common diseases, pleace click here
Skincare, natural drugs for skin problems, quality
cosmetics, anti-aging products
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The old traditional way of taking the temperature of a person was the rectal route, using a glass thermometer filld with mercury. Nowaadays this method has fallen in disuse in many areas, except for small children.
We now also have got electronic thermometers, some for use in special places like in the ear, others suitable for use at several points in the body. People also generally now have the notion that by using these devices, the temperature can be taken easily, without any discomfort and in nearly null time.
The truth is different. Whatever method one use, the termometer must be plaxed accurately, one must use enough time to get a correct reading and the measured value must be interpreted according to method used. There is also a truth that no routine method really do give a correct core temperature. The temperature varies from place to place in the body, and no easily accessible area have the same temperature as the core areas in the body.
Howver, rectal temperatur taken the right way is perhaps nearest to core temperature, and least labile to random fluctuations. Advanced devices to be used in other places, often have electronics to recalculate the crude read value to a rectal temperature value, or to core temperature value.
Tympanic temperature taken the right way is also very trustable, but it is difficult to do it the right way. Even experienced health personal get bad readings from this method because they use it under stress and therefore get careless about the right method.
Here are some facts and advices about how to take temperature by different devices. The advices presume that a modern electronic thermometer is used.
The normal temperature of a person
Most modern thermometers recalculate the measurements to rectal temperature. In children, normal rectal temperature ranges from 36 degrees C (96.8F) to 37C (98.6F). In adults the normal temperature is around 37C (98.6F), Any temperature over 37.7C (100F) is classed as a fever.
The temperature also varies during day and night. It is normally lowest in the early morning and up to 0,5 C of 0,9 F higher 4-6 PM in the afternoon.
The usefulness of getting a baseline temperature of a person
Even though there are standard values for the normal temperature range in healthy persons, the normal temperature can still vary from person to person.
It is therefore useful to take the temperature of the person some times when he is healthy and calculate the average. This way you have a normal baseline temperature to compare with when you check for a fever.
The baseline temperature should be taken with the method or methods you choose to use as standard - rectal, axiliary, oral or tympanic. If you expect to use several methods, rectal temperature is best for baseline.
Each baseline reading you calculate the average from should be taken at the same time in the day. Evening temperature round 9 o'clock is good. The person should be laying in bed at rest some time before the temperature is taken.
of course the very best is to take the temperature in the morning, in the mid-day and in the evening several days and then calculate a baseline temperature for the morning, the mid-day and the evening.
In the place where you note the baseline temperature, you should also note the method you use, and the time in the day you measure the baseline temperature, and you should not this down before the first measurement.
How to take rectal temperature
Many people regard taking the themperature rectally is outdated. Still most experts agree that rectal temperature comes closest to core temperature if performed correctly. Rectal temperature can be used at any age, not only on small children.
There is however one additional special reason for using rectal themperature that do not have to deal with the themperature itself. Espescially when a child is sick with fever, it is important to have a look at all reagions of the body so that important signs of serious disease or uncomfortable symptoms are not missed. That includes also the rectal opening and rectal area. When taking rectal temperature, you will get that look.
You must however use a termometer that do not hurt the sensible skin in the rectal opening.
A thermometer with a fairly long flexible probe is well suited. A rigid thermometer with a fairly long probe and a round bulb at the tip is also a good choise. The probe should be so long that it is possible to isert the thermometer 1 inch.
Before use one must also lubricate the thermometer well. Waseline or water based gel can be used for rectal temperature taking.
The person you shall measure the temperatur on can lay on the side with the knees bent and the legs pulled up. When inserting, spread the buttocks apart, so that the rectal opening is well visible. Then jently push the probe inwards through the opening.
If there is some resistance, negotiate the way by taking the thermometer tip a little back again and ttry with slightly fifferent angles. Swinging the thermometer a little from side to side or up and down also ease the insertion.
To take the rectal temperature of a little child, place the child prone (stomach side down) on a firm surface. Separating the buttocks. Then insert a lubricated thermometer approximately 1 inch into the rectum.
To get a good reading, it is necessary to insert the termometer around 1 inch. On small children you should insert the thermometer a little less. It must be inserted so that the whole metallic portion of the probe is inside. On must also hold it inside for at least one minute.
In children, normal rectal temperature ranges from 36 degrees C (96.8F) to 37C (98.6F). In adults the normal temperature is around 37C (98.6F), Any temperature over 37.7C (100F) is classed as a fever.
Right method for taking oral temperature
Also for oral temperature, one can use a thermometer with a long probe and with a bulbed tip. The whole probe must be inserted into the mouth under one side of the thongue. The lips must be closed around the therometer. It must recide in the mouth at least one minute. The patient must not breath through the mouth.
It is difficult to fulfil a correct placement of a oral therometer. It can also be uncomfortable for a sick person to have the thermometer inside with a closed mouth for some time. If the correct placement is obtained, one gets a temperature reading that is lower that for the rectal temperature. Normal oral temperature reding for a child is between 97.6° and 99.3° F (36.4° and 37.4° C). The normal oral temperature for older persons is 96.8° F (36° C).
Procedure of taking tympanic temperature
The thermometers used for thympanic temperature is specially made to be used in this area. People think this is an easy way of obtaining a correct temperature. It is not. This method is heavily dependent on accuracy, and even trained nurses at hospitals often perform the method erronously.
The probe of the thermometer measures the infrared radiation form the thympanic membrane, and calculates the temperature from this reading. To obtaine a correct reding, the probe must be inserted a long enough way, so that the tip is cose to the thympanic membrane, and in must be inserted with the right angle.
You usually get the right angle by inserting it so that the base of the thermometer tip is pointing somewhat towards the eyes of the patient.
You must also gently be pull the ear backwordsand often also a little up to straighten out the ear chanal. Then aim the tip of the ear probe midway between the opposite eye and earlobe.
It is often necessary to cautiously negotiate the angle when inserting to get it correctly placed. The shape and length inwards to the thympanic membrane varies from person to person, making the use of the methods difficult.
Inserting the probe a long enoug way and with the correct angle can also be unpleasant if you are not very cautious, and there is also a chance that you will touch or stretch the thympanic membrane and cause pain.
Still, if you manage the difficut task of inserting the thermometer correctly, this method does not necessarily give a correct reading. It can be wise to read the thympanic temperature some times when the peron is healthy. Tnen you have a base temperature you can compare with, and any significant reading higher than that base is fever.
Since tympanic thermometers calculate the temperature, you can usually choose between showing the temperature calculated to a rectal reading or a oral reading.
In children, a normal calculated rectal temperature ranges from 36 degrees C (96.8F) to 37C (98.6F). In adults the normal temperature is around 37C (98.6F), Any temperature over 37.7C (100F) is classed as a fever.
Normal calculated oral temperature reding for a child is between 97.6° and 99.3° F (36.4° and 37.4° C). The normal oral temperature for older persons is 96.8° F (36° C).
Tips for the measure of axillary temperature
By this method the temperature is taken in the hollow zones under the shoulders. The thermometer tip us held fimly at the mid part of this zone, and the arm of the patient's arm must be helf firmly against the side of the breat, so that the therometer is held i place. You must allow the thermoeter to stay at place a long time before reading. Usual axillary temperature reading is 97.6 degree F when there is not aby fever present.
The way to measure forehead temperature
By this method a liquid crystal thermomenter is used. This is a flat device with a heat-sensitive panel on one side and panels with numbers on the other. When the sensitive side is placed on the forehead, the temperature number is lit up on the panel side. Liquid crystal thermometers is not very accurate, but can give a sense about a person having a fever or not.
Taking the temperature with a pacifier temperature probe
By this method one uses a pacifier with a temperature probe and calualator included. It is used on small children. To use this method, have the child suck on the pacifier until it reaches a steady-state and you hear a beep. This takes normally 3 to 4 minutes. This method is not very accurate. The temperature shown is a calculated rectal reading. A normal reading will be
The child has a fever if the pacifier reads more than 100F or 37.8 c. As with tympanic temperature, it is useful to take the temperature of the pertson some times when he is healthy and calculate the average. This way you have a normal temperature to compare with when you check for a fever.
About use of no-contact thermometers
A no-contact thermometer is used by directing the probe at some specific distance at the patients forehead. Such thermometers can be of use when it is important not to disturb the sleep of a child or another patient. It can also be useful if the temperature is to be taken very frequently of has to be monitored at several places on the patients body or some reason.
In other instances thermometers that require touching the pationt is probable better to use. The physical touching is usually a good thing for the patient to feel, and the patient will get a more secure impression of being taken care of. Furthermore, by touching you will get a better impression of the state of the patient than by distant measure.
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Disclaimer: The health information contained herein is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. All decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.