Foot care and skin health products of high quality
Welcome to this presentation of quality
footcare and cosmetic products.
Please click at tthe banners or product links to learn more or buy. The
exhibited products are only examples. By clicking at any link you can find more
products in the same foot care series or other series. Down on this page there is also some
information about foot care.
Medicines against fungal infections in the feet
Medicines against warts in the feet
Foot care kits and instruments, foot massage, foot massage and therapy/a>
Creams to cure dry and sore foot skin
Foot scrubs or combination of cream and scrub
Foot pouders
Foot soaps, foot cleansing salts and foot bath loations
Products to improve the health in the skin and the whole body. Rejuvenation products for the skin, inner physiology and sexual potency
Foot care advices - about athlete's foot and calluses or hard foot skin.
Treatment for Foot Fungal
Treatments for foot warts
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Foot care kits, podiatry instruments, foot massage items
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Foot Scrub or Combined Cream and
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Soaps, Lotions and Salts for Foot Bath
Good products to treat skin conditions and for rejuvenation of the whole body
Natural drugs to increase potency and sexual pleasure. Drugs to rejuvenate sexual, anatomy, physiology and abilities. For men and women
Natural oral medicines to help for diseases in the skin
- Here are presented some good products against disease processes in the skin that many people suffer from at various age levels. They are medicines to be taken by mouth to stimulate the inner cleansing processes and healing actions in the skin, and the inner counteraction against pathogenic microbes affecting the skin. The medicines are made from vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and anti-oxidants. Each link leads to a thorrough description of each product
Help for exema Dermatin
Treatment for acne - Actimine
Treatment for vitiligo or white spots and discoloration in the skin - Callumae
Topical treatment to counteract rosacea, red skin and and enlarged bood vessels in the skin - Rubactum
Reverce physical signs of aging
- Human growth hormone has proved to help regain skin thickness, muscle intactness, a jouvenile muscle/fat-ratio and other properties of youth: This
product is formulated to stimulate the production of growth hormones in the body
to gain these benefits.
Pills to treat hair loss - for men and women
- A product to
provide hair follicles with nutrients necessary to keep the hair
follicles vital and effectors that sigal to the follicles to use these nutrients
to grow more or new hair
Please click here to learn more or buy - Advecia - Famous quality cosmetics for good prizes - and products to treat skin conditions
- In this shop you can buy all cosmetic products
from nearly all quality houses in the world for reduced prizes. If you are
looking for something special or searching for some good ideas of what to buy,
you will probably find what you are looking for here.
You will also find medical and natural products to treat acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, scars, wrinckles, brown
spots, damage from sun radiation and much more.
Verseo - innovative products for beauty, rejuvenation and wellbeing
- Massage tools, creams, wraps and physical treatment instruments to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin and the inner organs of the whole body, including hands and feet. Tool to make you relaxe and feel well in all parts of yourself. Items to make your skin and the deeper structure under the skin smooth, firm and elastic. Items to restructure and rejuvenate your hair or to take away unwanted facial and body hair.
Effective help against many
specific diseases
- Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers
disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns,
carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic
fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2,
eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex,
hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media
Click here to find the right product
anti-aging, fashion, cosmetic and skincare products
More natural products to treat
common ailments
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Some foot care and health information
is information about foot care. To see a list of all skincare articles, please
go here. To see a list of general health information, please
go here.
About calluses on the feet and
other places.
Callus is thickened and hard skin. All the leyers of the skin are thickened, but
the horny leyer at the outer lining of the skin, epidermis, is most prominently
engroossed. Sometimes the Sometimes the callus develop in such a fashion that it
resamble a grain or little oblong stone. Such calluses that are most frequent on
the finger tips are called corns.
Calluses develop becaused of repeated and prolonged physical impact on a body
part over long time, like friction, pressure and also exagerated sun exopsure.
These impacts stimulate the cells
of all the layers to divide and get more and stimulate to increased production
of fibres that are deposited in the room between the cells.
conditions can make calls develop on skin areas without any unnormal physical
impact. Such conditions are: Arsenic poisoning, syphilis. There is a benign
condition called keratosis palmaris, which produces corns in
the creases of the finger and a condition called keratosis planteris where
the corns are seen in the creases of the toes.
cells in the outermost leyer of the skin, the epidermis, will divide the most.
As these cells divide, old cells are deposited outwards. These old cells die,
get dried and forms a layer made of horn stuff, keratin, that covers and
protects the skin. The increased proliferation of cells in the epidermis
makes this horny layer extra thick, and this thick layer of horn stuff is the
most prominent feature of the calluses.
Calluses develop particularly often on the feet, especially at the heal, the
toes and toeballs. Often the reason is unfitting shoes and shoes with hard
Calluses are not dangerous in themselves, and may even be useful for the
protection of certain areas of the skin if they are not too thick and hard.
Calluses can however break apart and make chronic ulcers and they can be ugly.
The thick horn layer will impair the blood circulation and make the tissue under
the callus weaker so that ulcers can develop. People with diabetes often have an
impaired blood circulation beforehand, and the effect from the callus can then
easily cause disintergration of the underlaying tissue, bleedings and ulcers.
Ulcers under and near the calluses can also easily be infected.
best way of preventing calluses to develop, is to wear some protective and
impact absorbing sheet
between the skin and hard objects that often are in contact with the skin.
Things that can be used for such protection are gloves, soles, socks and the like. It is also important to use shoes
that fit well to the shape of the feet.
The horny layers of the calluses can be etched away with products containing suited
acids, like lactic acid and salicylic acid. The horny layer can also be honed down mecanically
with pimpstone or metallic rasps made for that purpose, either in dry condition or after being wetted. If one thereafter allways protects
the skin for new repeated hard impacts, the thickness of the differnt skin layers will
also gradually decrease.
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About athlete's foot or infection in the foot skin by fungi
Athlete's foot or Tinea pedis is an infection in the skin of the feet by a fungus, most often of the genus Trichophyton. The infection is usually confined to the outer area of the skin and the nails and attacks usually only the feet, but the same kind of infection can also spread to other body areas, for example the groin. Athlete's feet gives graish-white layers or flakes on the skin and the affected areas will be itching.
The skin can peel or the flakes can scale off and thereby also cause cracks or sores. The skin can also get inflamed and swollen and sometimes there are blisters. There can be an allergic reaction towards the fungus and this reaction can affect other areas of the skin than the site of the infection and cause blisters also there, for example in the hands.
The infection usually begin between the outermost toes, the fourth and fith ones, and spread to areas between the other toes, to the rerst of the toes, to the heels and other areas at the foot and sometimes further to the nails. Affected nails will get thicker, miscolored and brittle.
Athlete's foot can be mistaken for other types of infection in the foot skin, for example foot ringworm caused by other types of parasitic fungi. Ringworm causes thick circular or ring-shaped lessions.
The primary cause of athletes foot is transmission of the fungus from infected individuals to new hosts. Such transmission most often ocuur in moist areas where people walk barefoot, like locker rooms and showers. The fungus most easily grow and infect the foot if the feet are not cleaned well eached day, if the feet are kept moist. sweat and warm and if you use tight footwear that hold moisture inside.
The physician can usually diagnose the infection only by looking at the feet of the patient. When i doubt specimens from the skin can be examined more specifically.
By the KOH-test a little material from the affected areas is scraped off, then appied onto a glass plate. then treated by the a solution of the eching basic substance KOH. The skin cells in the specimen will then dissolve, but not the fungus. Then the treated specimen is examined in the microscope where the structures belonging to the fungus can be seen.
You can prevent this this type of skin infection at the feet by several simple measures.
- Wash your feet well every day.
- Have some footwear on when you are together with other people in locker rooms and dousces.
- Dry your feet well when they have been wet.
- Use footwear that allow exchange of air between your feet and the outside.
- The footwear shoull keep your feet plesantly warm, but not so warm that you are sweating.
- Using talcum powder or another moisture absorbing powder on the feet after wash can further help to keep the skin dry and prevent the infection.
The measures to prevent athlete's feet will also be a part of the treatment for the infection and often these measures are enough to get the infection go away.
To be sure that you get rid of the infectionr, you can use over the counter medications with anti-fugal ingredients like miconazole, clotrimazole, or tolnaftate. These take the form of gels, salves, sprays or powders.
Natural remedies containing tea oil or the compound Ajoen extracted from garlic are used as natural remedies for athlete's foot.
To be sure the infection is fought down, you must often use the drug in a period of 45 days or more. The iching will typically cease quickly, but that does not mean that the infection is completely gone.
These statements have
not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is
nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice
is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.