Some products for women and men to optimize sexual satisfaction
Welcome to this presentation of products
for women and men to increase sexual arousal and lust. It can also be an idea
for men or woman to buy the stimulating oils and lubricants presented here and
use them as a means to increase the exciting effect during the foreplay and
intimate caress of the partner.
A further idea is to buy both a female
product and a male product and then the woman and the man can use them on each
other when caressing each other mutually in the most intimate and sensual
regions during the foreplay. Further down on this page there are links to find
such products both for men and women.
Toys for sexfun and products to perform sensual body massage
Equipment for sex fun, condoms, lubricants and erotic massage products
- Through these links you can find all kind of equipment for sexual stimulation, for erotic massage and protection during sex. You can find: Condoms, dildos and vibrators, lubricants, massage lotions, perfumes, penis pumps, sexy underwear, toys for sexual roleplay, sex DVDs and magazines and much more.
The Erotica Store - to see all the equipment of sex toys, please go here
Penis pumps to make erections and to improve penile anatomy
Penis rings to maintain erections
Condoms of all shapes and sizes
Lubricators for a smooth, soft and senual action
Oils, lotions and tools for sensual massage
Vibrating stimulation tools
Dildos - mostly for the vagina, but some wil also fit the rectal entrance
Anal and rectal toys and lubricants
Eggs to keep in your vagina or other intimate areas
Creams and oils to boost female lust and vitalize female sexual reflexes
Vigorelle - female pleasure cream
- To increase the pleasure in the clitoris, genital lips and vaginal area, to lube
and to boost a women's intimate reactions like: vaginal
lubrification, pelvic blood supply and engorgement. The
increased intimate reactions will then also increase general excitement and
erotic ecstacy.
Hersolutiongel - to tease up her
physical lust
- This topical product is to be placed on the most
senual zones in her vulva. It makes her blood fill into her intimate areas. It
smoothly lubricates the entrance to her inside. It instantly turns on
strong physical feelings and contribute to an intense orgasm.
Please click here to learn more or buy - HersolutionGel
Pills to vitalize and ballance female intimate functions and strengthen a woman's sexual performance
Provestra ( Estravil ) - herbal lust pills for women
- These herbal pills stimulate a woman's mental excitement, good physical
sensations and endurance. They also optimize intimate blood supply, engorgement in her
vulva, lubrification and sexual reflexes. They will then also improve her genital pleasure, orgasmic strength and fertility.
Hersolution - to enhance the woman's
libido and virility - Enhances
her mental desire and enjoyment, enhances the bloodflow in her genitals,
and boosts the responces in her intimate regions, like lubrication and good
physical feelings, and the orgasmic process.
Please click here to learn more or buy - Hersolution
Oils for men to maximize sexual pleasure and stimulate the erections
Maxoderm - to amplify your erections and orgasms
- Cream for the penis to get larger erections, longer lasting erections and more
ample orgasms.
Prosolutiongel - for immediate and long lasting solid erections
- A gel to apply on the penile head to make thick and hard erections come immediately and last long. You will feel an extreme arousal and intense pleasurful orgasms.
VigRX oil - for stronger erections
- Oils to make erections larger, harder,
longer lasting, and more sensual, and to lubricate the penis. 2-3 drops are
enough for full effect.
VigRX Delay Spray - to hinder a too early orgasm and give you ample time to tease up intense feelings
- This spray will delay the orgasms. You will therefore be able to have active sex as long as you want. During this time your feelings will grow to an intense level, and then you decide when an ample orgasm shall occur.
Devices and kits to enlarge and improve the penis and potency
Penis pumps and rings to make and maintain erections and for penis development and adjustment
- Penis pumps togeather with a penis ring can be used to make and maintain an erection. By cautious use of a penis pump over some time, you can adjust the shape of your penis and reduce bendings and twists and, you may also make your penis larger.
Penis pumps to make erections and to improve penile anatomy
Penis rings to maintain erections
ProExtender device to make the penis bigger and more regularly shaped
- Proextender is a mechanical instrument to make the penis gradually longer and also somewhat thicker. Furthermore the device can correct certain kind of anatomical problems of the penis like bendings and twistings. The device is gently pulling along the penis, which both directly reshapes the penis mechanically, and also stimulate new cells to be produced so that the amount of penile tissue increases. You set this practical device on your penis and use it some time eaqch day in a period. It can be folded up and used under the clothes when on.
Pills and patches to make the penis capable of erecting itself larger
ProSolution Plus - Penis effectivizer Pills
- These pills let you get quicker emerging erections, harder erections and longer lasting erection. They help you to avoid too early ejaculation
They also enhance the sexual appetite. These effects are achiebed by making the
body able to produce hormones and signal substances more effetcively and at the
right time.
MagnaRx - pills to make you erect bigger and more rigid, and endure alonger time
- By using these pills your penis will inflate itself bigger and more rigid, and it will hold that large sturdy state a much longer time, and you will otherwise have the energy to be active in bed the time you wish.
Please click here to see a longer description of MagnaRx or to order
ExtenZe - potency and male lust
- Makes the erections bigger, harder,
more durable and generally intensify the sexual feelings in your mind and body.
Proenhance - Patches to make your penis more effective - To be fixed onto the skin near the penis. They give you greater ability to achieve erections and the erections will be larger and more durable. The patches have the same effect at the penis and genital area as the enhancement pills, but do not influence other body regions directly. They are the solution for men that only want a genitally focused effect or that allready take other supplements to stimulate the body as a whole.
Pills for men to improve virility, semen production, orgasms and other genital functions and enhance sexual satisfaction
Natural testosterone secretion increaser to amplify the intensity of masculine sex functions
- If you have a poor testosterone secretion you can get weak erections, feel less energy for sex and other physical activities, have low sexual appetite, get low mental mood, and tend to loose muscle mass. Especially men over 45 tend to have such problems due to low testosterone levels. These pills will stimulate more sex hormones to be produced. They will give greater sexual and physical vigor, and may help for the mentioned problems when these are due to poor testosterone levels in the body.
Semenax and volume pills - for better orgasms, better semen production and improved male
- Give you stronger and longer orgasms. Optimize semen production and quality, genital functions, sexual reflexes, intimate feelings and
fertility. Please look at these two good products for these purposes and chose that which fits best your needs.
Erotic fragrants for men and women
Nexus Pheromones - fragrant for men to attract women
- Perfume for men that arouses and attracts women, using natural reactions
mediated by pheromones. Get a fragrance that instantly awakens a woman's
positive attention and improves your attraction power.
An exhibition of erotic fragrants for women and men
- There are a lot of erotic perfumes on the market that will give an sexual attraction on other humans by the content of deepworking pheromones or by the mere sexual scent of the product, or both. This link leads to an exhibition of many of those products.
Please go here to see an exhibition of a lot of erotic fragrants and perfumes for women and men
Removal and control of body hair and help to get better head hair growth
Stop Grow - topical hair remover for both sexes
- Removes unwanted hair by hindering the growth of hair on areas where it is
applied - for both men and women. Use it on areas where you want a hairfree skin. Removes hair permanantly without waxing -
for both men and women.
Treat thin hair and baldness - for men and women
- Advecia is a new all-natural herbal supplement with ingredients proven to provide hair follicles with essential
nutrients that aid in strengthen the hair follicle and the production of hair from the follicles. It also contains ingredients to block the DHT, the substance in the male body that hinders hair to grow. It can slow down or stop hair loss and may rewake dormant follicles.
Please click here to learn more or buy - Advecia
More products to optimize sex life and health
Ebooks about sexual physiology, sexual anatomy and sexuality
- Through these links you can buy these eboks to for immediate uploading to your computer or for reading directly
from the database. By going through these links you can also find books about
any other subject.
Feel and look younger, reverce aging
- A better growth hormone production will help regain skin thickness, muscle
intactness, a jouvenile muscle/fat-ratio and other properties of youth. These products makes your body produce more growth hormone to the right time.
This product will especially help to restore and build muscle mass:
This drug is formulated to restore the body and mental capabilities of men from the middle ages and older:
A great pharmacy of products to improve sexual life and to combat aging changes
- By clicking at the banner below, you will also find more products to enhance sexual life than those presented here.
There are traction instruments, pills and patches for penis improvement, penis enlargement and to get bigger and more effective erections. You find tablets for better sexual performance, increased sexual pleasure, higher fertility and boosted ecstacy. There are perfumes to arouse and attract sex partners. There are systems for permanent hair removal and natural remedies to stimulate stronger heir growth.
The site has several great products to combat chronic problems and aging changes in the skin, blood circulation, joints, digestion and generally working anti-aging drugs. There are also effective products to help slimming and to develop or revitalize your muscles.
Products for men and women to increase potency and sexual satisfaction. Anti-aging medicines. - please click here
More products to optimize sexual life of women and men
More products to help for specific health problems - digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, rheumatic, nervous, hemorrhoids, thyroid, poor memory, fatigue, edema and more
About lubricants and creams for sexual actions
There are many types of creams or oils that has the purpose of enhanceing the sexual satisfaction. Some of thee are ment for use by woman, others by man aqnd still others by both sexes.
One type is massage oils. These oils are ment to be applied on the genital organs and also greater body areas for sensual and arousing massage. Massage oils can contain ng5redients with an arousing scent and ingredients to stimulate bodily reactions that give good sexual feelings.
A good massage oils should be based on natural ingredientswhich are oils from the plant kingdom and some oils from the animal kingdom and that are not altered chemically.
Lubricants are used on the mans penis, in the female intimate openings, in the anus or upon condoms to hinder friction and ensure optimal glide during sexual activities. Also lubricants should be based on natural ingredients.
Ifthe lubricant shall be used together with a condome, it must not contain any great amounts of oils, but be based entirely or nearly entirely on gelatinous substances dissolved in water.
Emtirely water-based lubricants have however a tendency to become sticky if they dry in. So, if you do not intend to use a condome,oily lubricants are better. The perhaps best types of lubricnts are based on water as the main floating medium, but with oily drops finely spread througout the product. Such a product is called an emulsion.
There may also have additional ingredients to stimulate sexual feelings or to kill contagious germs. For sexual stimulation there are however mainly other types of crems that shall be used in smaller amounts. Usully a lubricant can be used upon these creams when they have penetrated into the tissues and the arousing stimulation has set in.
Creams, ointemnts or liniments for sexual stimulation are meant to be used in very tiny amounts. The best of these are based upon water as the floating medium and with oily drops finely spread throughout the water. Both in the water and in the oily drops there are active ingredients with the ability to stimulate physical feelings and physiological reactions like filling of blood in the tissues and secretions. The filling of blood wil enhance the erectile responce in a man and the engorgement of the female vulva.
The oily medium and also ingredients in the water medium is of such a kind that the active ingredients spread into the tissues in the inimate zones and make their effect in a wider area.