The Abicana Store - erection and penis optimization products
Please go here to find pills and salves for women to increase sexual satisfaction and potency, and more products for men, for example potency salves for men, and sex toys
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MALE ENHANCEMENT PATCHES, PILLS AND TRACTION DEVICES - also information about the herbs Eleutherococcus and Astragalus and products with these
Welcome to this presentation of transdermal patches and pills to develop the penis and to enhance the genital functions of a man. You also find exhibited anatomical tools to optimize the size and shape of the male organ. And there are extracts of the herbs astragalus, and acanthopanax that have a general rejunenating effect on the body as a whole, on the sexual systems and the immune defence. Further down there is also some detailled information about Astragalus and Acanthopanax. There are also links to other natural products to vigorize the male and female sexual system.
Patches for amplified sexual power and virility
Proenhance - Penile Enhancement
Patches - To put on the skin near the penis. They enlarge the size of the erected benis, gives a more solidly erected penis and more effective sexual functions of the male genitals.
This gives higher arousal and more ample orgasms.
Please click here to learn more or order - ProEnhance
Pills for men to add lust and potency and to enlarge the erections
Herbal capsules to increase male lust, stamina, erection power and general ebergy
TestRX - Natural medicine to increase your testosterone production and thereby also increase general virility physical energy and bodily constitution
- Testosterone helps to mainatain the ability of erections, general virility, muscular constitution and a vital energy. Men with a low testosterone level due to age and other causes will especially benefit from the effect of these pills.
Please click here to learn more or order - TestRx
Prosolution Pills - To give you a gross erection potential
- With the use of these pills you will be able to get potent and gross erection
in a quick time and to let those erections stay. You will also be immensely more
hungry for sex.
Please click here to learn more or order - Prosolution
VigRXplus penile empoverment pills
- VigRXplus will let you easily get large erections when you want the erections
to occur and these will last the time you want. The pill will also give a general robust sexual power to
your whole body and vigorize your sexual feelings, both those of mental and physical category.
Please click here to learn more or order - VigRxplus
Traction devices and other products to use directly on the male genitals to enlarge, improve shape and intensify erections
ProExtender - a device to make the penis bigger and more regularly shaped.
- The Prextender device is a mechanic instrument to make the penis gradually longer and also somewhat thicker. Furthermore the
device can correct certain kind of anatomical problems of the penis like bendings and twistings. It exerts its effect by gently pulling along the penis.
The gradual pulling stimulates new cells to form in the penis, so the effect of the device is not just a strething out of what already is there.
Please click here to learn more or order - proextender
Equipment for sex fun, condoms, lubricants and erotic massage products
- Through these links you can find all kind of equipment for sexual stimulation, for erotic massage and protection during sex. You can find: Condoms, dildos and vibrators, lubricants, massage lotions, perfumes, penis pumps, sexy underwear, toys for sexual roleplay, sex DVDs and magazines and much more.
The Erotica Store - to see all the equipment of sex toys, please go here
Penis pumps to make erections and to improve penile anatomy
Penis rings to maintain erections
Condoms of all shapes and sizes
Lubricators for a smooth, soft and senual action
Oils, lotions and tools for sensual massage
Anal and rectal toys and lubricants
Maxoderm - Cream for intense feelings, strong orgasms and rapid large erections - By smearing this cream on your penis, you
achieve these effects: You quickly get erect and activated in your groin area. You will enjoy intensely and eventually get into a large ample orgasm. The greater genital activation will also induce much stronger mental arousal.
Please click here to learn more or order - Maxoderm
More products to improve male and female seual responce and satisfaction
Extracts of astragalus for sexual and general rejuvenation and immune enhance - please see the article further down to read about the exact effects of the herb
A multivitamin-mineral product that also contain extract of Eleutherococcus, Ginseng and other stimulating herbs
Feel and look younger, reverce aging
- These pills helps the body to produce more growth hormone. This will stimulate the body to get rid of aging symptoms of the skin and the rest of your body, and help the skin and the muscles to regain a youthful thickness. They will help the body to win back a youthful ratio between muscle and fat mass, and a youthful distribution of body fat. The peak vitalization effect of these pills are however targeted at the sexual organs, sexual functions and sexual feelings. Here are three products of the kind exhibited, with slightly different effect spectrum:
Go here for Genf20 - a drug for general rejuvenation of the bodily, mental and sexual capacities and of body proportions
Go here for Genfx - a drug formulated to rejuvenmate generally body shape, strength. potency and mental acuity
Go here for Hyperggh14z - a drug formulated to restore and add more than ever muscle volume, strength and integrity
Go here for Provasyl - a drug formulated to restore the body and mental capabilities of men from the middle ages and older
A great pharmacy of products to improve sexual life and to combat aging changes
- This site has several great products to combat chronic problems and aging changes in the skin, blood circulation, joints, digestion and generally working anti-aging drugs. There are also effective products to help slimming and to develop or revitalize your muscles.
Products for men and women to increase potency and sexual satisfaction. Anti-aging medicines. - please click here
More products to optimize sexual life of women and men, including more erection oils, female genital responce cream and female sex responce talets
More products to help for specific health problems - digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, rheumatic, nervous, hemorrhoids, thyroid, poor memory, fatigue, edema and more
About the medical herb astragalus
Astragalus is a large genus with about 2,000 species of herbs and small shrubs, belonging to the legume family and the subfamily Faboideae. The genus is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
The full botannical classification of the herb is: Kingdom - Plantae, Division- Magnoliophyta, Class- Magnoliopsida, Order- Fabales, Family- Fabaceae, Subfamily- Faboideae, Tribe- Galegeae, Genus- Astragalus
Medical uses
Astragalus membranaceus (proprinquus), or huángqí is an old regognized medical herb used especially in Chinese herbal medicine. Mostly the root is used as extracts, teas or soups and often combined with other herbs. There are few studies done in western medicine upon the effects of the plant and those done only are concidered prelementary. The studies however suggest that however that the plant may be effective for its traditional use.
- It is used to improve the production of milk.
- It is also used to strengthen the response and functio of the immune system.
- It is used to treat common cold and infections in the upper respiratory tract. The usefulness for this may derive from a general immunoenhancing function.
- Some studies suggest that the Astragalus combined with glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) may aid cancer treatment.
- Ingredeients in the herb may activate telomerase, an enzyme in all cells that reapir the ends of the DNA molecules and therefore contribute to holding the body young. Therefore Astragalus may contribute to slow down aging changes or help reverse some of these changes. Scientific studies contrinute this to a compund calle TAT2.
- Some study also suggest that the chemical from the root of the plant, TAT2 ,can improve the responce of the immune system against HIV and help reapair the cells of the immune system from the damage made by HIV.
. The biotechnology companies Geron and TA Therapeutics Corporation of Hong Kong have been working on telomerase activator derive from it.
- In a recent press release Geron Corporation and Rita Effros, UCLA discussed the possibility of an herbal extract called Tat2 (cicloastregenol) to be used to help fight HIV and infections associated with chronic diseases or aging.
- Astragalus is used to give the inner organs higher vitality and that also include the glandular functions that support sexual functions.
- It is used to enhance the sexual stamina and working power and is regarded especially effective when debilities in the sexual system decreases the sexual vitality.
- The possible anti-aging properties upon cells and tissues may help to regenerate the cell and tissue integrity that has been degraded through aging, diseases or other impacts.
About the medical herb genus
Eleutherococcus or Acanthopanax
The genus Eleutherococcus is composed of over 15 species all native to Asia or Central and Eastern Himalayan region, these are large shrubs or trees usually bearing numerous spiny leaves sitting oppositely with long petiols.
The leaves are composed of sub-leaves arranged in a hand-like pattern usually hanging somewhat down. The flowers are small, usually greenish bisexual or unisexual umbels that often form large terminal panicles.
The full botannical classification of the genus is: Kingdom: Plantae, Angiosperms, Eudicots, Asterids, Order- Apiales, Family. Araliaceae, Subfamily- Aralioideae, Genus- Eleutherococcus
A species often used medically is Eleutherococcus sentiosus.
Medical uses
Eleutherococcus sentiosus is a general adaptogenic drug. It helps the body to adqapt to new conditions and endure impacts of various kind. It is also a general vigorizer upon body functions and at the cellular level, and as such it is said to be stronger than ginseng.
It is used in the followeing ways:
- To increase endurance,
- To strengten memory.
- To increase wakedness.
- To reduce inflammatory reactions.
- To protect the body against noxious substances.
- To protect the body against radiation. Especially can it be used to protect cells in the bone marrow during radiation therapy.
The herb can effectivize the effect of Mycin antibiotics, which can be regarded as wanted or unwanted dependent upon the situation.
The general vitalizing effects will also help the tissues in the genital regions to regain integrety and function more strongly.
Side effects
The drug may rise the blood pressur too much in patients with a tendency for hypertension.
It may hinder sleep if it is taken in the evening.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.