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Products to give support for persons suffering from diabetes
Welcome to this presentation of products to give support for persons suffering from diabetes. Please click on the links to learn more about the scientific support behind the products or to buy.
Further down on tis page there is also some information about some of the ingredients in the presented products (ampalaya, vanadium and others), about blood sugar regulation, about insuline and about diabetes type I.
A good online medical equipment
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of quality diabetes care products:
In this general medical shop, you can find any kind or product for health examination, treatment and nursing. It has a collection of all kinds of product to care for diabetic persons and to controle and manage diabetes for affordable
prizes: blood lancets, control solutions, diabetic socks, glucose
tablets and gels, infusion sets , insulin syringes, test meters, test kits, test
Supplements of nutrients for diabetics to help improve blood glucose controle
By going through the following links you will find comprehensive documentation of the effects and compositions of the products.
Herbal tablets to give help+ for diabetes mellitus type 2 - or problems with high blood sugar levels - Diamaxol
- To enhance the ability of the body to adjust the blood sugar levels towards a normal value.
Herbal tablets to help against diabetes mellitus type 2 - Glucose M2
This product is formulated to help to stabilize the blood sugar levels in the blood to a right size. Ingredients: zink, calcium, vanadium, alpha lipoic acid, bitter melon or ampalaya extract, Gymnemna sylvestris extract. To read more about ampalaya and other of the ingredients, please scroll down.
Please click here to learn more
or buy - GlucoseM2
Home-test equipment for diabetes screening and monitoring
Urine test strips to monitor blood glucose levels and levels of other metabolic components and thus detect a possible diabetic condition:
Kit of all equipment needed to monitor a confirmed diabetes by blood sample measurement:
Foot hand body creams useful to prevent or alleviate complications by diabetes.
Bitter melon or ampalaya may
improve the body functions end insuline sensitivity by diabetes
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Weight reduction is important for diabetics - please click here for weight reduction tips and products
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LOT OF OTHER DISEASES - Medicines to be taken by mouth
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Click here to find the right product
About insuline and the regulation of blood sugar levels
Blood sugar-regulating effect
Despite the long gap between meals, or casual meals with high carbohydrate
content, the human blood sugar (blood
glucose concentration) normally is kept within a narrow range.
In most people blood sugar fluctuates usually between 3.9 and 6.7 mmol / l (between 70 and 120 mg / dl), except immediately after meals as it may rise to about 7 mmol / l for a short time.
In a healthy, grown man of 75 kg with a blood volume of 5 liters, a blood glucose of 5.5 mmol / l correspond to approx. 5 grams of glucose dissolved in the blood, or approx. 45 grams of glucose dissolved in the body fluid .
This equilibrium providex for a high enough blood sugar level for the energy requrements of the body that still is not so high that it caues harm to the body tissues and body functions.
To maintain the right blood sugar content, sugar must be taken away from the blood and converted to other substances and these then stored, when more sugar is absorbed from the intestines than needed immediately.
Also the stored energy-rich substances msut be broken down to glucose again and released into the blood, when more glucose is neded for work and bodily functions.
This equilibrium is the result of many factors but hormonal regulation is the most important factor.
About insuline
The insuline molecule consists of a chain of amino acids linked together. It is
therefore a great polypeptid or a small protein (depending of how great a
molecule must be before concidered as a protein).
The Langerhanian islets, snmall spherical structures, within the pancreas produce insuline.
Hormonal blood sugar regulation done by insuline
and other substances
There are two groups of opposing hormones that affect blood sugar:
Hyperglychemic e hormones increase blood glucose: glucagon, growth hormone,
adrenaline stimulate the conversion of energy-rich molecules to glucose from fat
cells, liver cells and other deposits and the release of the glucose into the
In the short term itis much more dangerous to have low blood sugar than too high, and these mechanisms to restore an adequate blood glucose after hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) must be fast and efficient because of the serious consequences of too low glucose levels.
The hypoglycaemic hormone insulin stimulate the uptake of glucose into
cells and the conversion of glucose to greater moleccules as glycogen and fat
for storage in te liver and fat tissue.
The right blood sugar level is dependent upon the right concentration of
insuline in the blood. When there is too much glocuse in the blood, the glucose
will stimulate the Beta-cells in the Langerhanian islets to increase the
insuline production. This occurs as follows:
Glucose enters the beta-cells through the glucose transporter portal
proteinenzyme GLUT2 . The cell uses energy in the protein to produce the
energy-rich molecule ATP. ATP will then stimulate insuline storing vescicles in
the cells to empty through the cell membran and provide energy for this release.
It will lso stimulete tnd provide energy o more production of insuline.
The effects of insulin on single cells and tissues
- Increased glycogen synthesis - insulin promotes the uptake of glucose into liver cells, the production of glycogen, a kind of starch, and the storage of glycogen in the liver cells. The production or break down of glycogen is the quickest regulating mechanism of the glucose level.
- Increased fatty acid and fat synthesis - insulin makes fat cells take up glucose that
is converted into fatty acids, which again are esterified with clycerole to fat.
- Proteinolysis decrease - insulin decreases the breakdown of proteins in
th kidneys.
- Lipolysis decrease - insulin reduces the transformation of fat stored in fat cells
to free fatty acids in the blood.
- Glukonogenesis decrease - insulin reduces glucose production from various
substrates in liver.
- Increased amino acid uptake - insulin makes cells take up amino acids from the
- Increased potassium admission - insulin makes cells take up potassium from the blood.
- Arterial muscle tension - insulin allows arteries in the muscles to elaxes and increases blood flow, especially in microscopic arteries
When there is a lack of insuline, the opposite effects than the mensioned will occur in higher degree, either as a consequence of automatic processes or because hormones with an opposite effect will overwhelm.
About the medical effects of ampalaya (bitter melon)
Bitter melons have been used in various Asian traditional medicine systems for a
long time. Like most bitter-tasting foods, bitter melon stimulates digestion.
While this can be helpful in people with sluggish digestion, dyspepsia, and
constipation, it can sometimes make heartburn and ulcers worse. The fact that
bitter melon is also a demulcent and at least mild inflammation modulator,
however, means that it rarely does have these negative effects, based on
clinical experience and traditional reports.
Though it has been claimed that bitter melon’s bitterness comes from quinine, no
evidence could be located supporting this claim. Bitter melon is traditionally
regarded by Asians, as well as Panamanians and Colombians, as useful for
preventing and treating malaria. Laboratory studies have confirmed that various
species of bitter melon have anti-malarial activity, though human studies have
not yet been published
In Panama bitter melon is known as Balsamino. The pods are smaller and bright
orange when ripe with very sweet red seeds, but only the leaves of the plant are
brewed in hot water to create a tea to treat malaria and diabetes. The leaves
are allowed to steep in hot water before being strained throughly so that only
the remaining liquid is used for the tea.
Laboratory tests suggest that compounds in bitter melon might be effective for
treating HIV infection . As most compounds isolated from bitter melon that
impact HIV have either been proteins or glycoproteins lectins), neither of which
are well-absorbed, it is unlikely that oral intake of bitter melon will slow HIV
in infected people. It is possible oral ingestion of bitter melon could offset
negative effects of anti-HIV drugs, if a test tube study can be shown to be
applicable to people [5]. In one preliminary clinical trial, an enema form of a
bitter melon extract showed some benefits in people infected with HIV (Zhang
1992). Clearly more research is necessary before this could be recommended.
The other realm showing the most promise related to bitter melon is as an
immunomodulator. One clinical trial found very limited evidence that bitter
melon might improve immune cell function in people with cancer, but this needs
to be verified and amplified in other research . If proven correct this is
another way bitter melon could help people infected with HIV.
Folk wisdom has it that ampalaya helps to prevent or counteract type-II
diabetes. A recent scientific study at JIPMER, India has proved that ampalaya
increases insulin sensitivity[7]. Regardless of its efficacy in this regard, it
is sold in the Philippines as a food supplement and elixir for this purpose.
Studies so far demonstrate improvement but not cure in some diabetic parameters.
Bitter Melon contains four very promising bioactive compounds.
These compounds activate a protein called AMPK, which is well known for
regulating fuel metabolism and enabling glucose uptake, processes which are
impaired in diabetics.
("We can now understand at a molecular level why bitter melon works as a
treatment for diabetes," said David James, director of the diabetes and obesity
program at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney.
"By isolating the compounds we believe to be therapeutic, we can investigate how
they work together in our cells.
Bitter melon contains a lectin that has insulin-like activity. The insulin-like
bioactivity of this lectin is due to its linking together 2 insulin receptors.
This lectin lowers blood glucose concentrations by acting on peripheral tissues
and also, similar to insulin's effects in the brain, suppresses the appetite.
This lectin is likely to a major contributor to the hypoglycemic effect that
develop after eating bitter melon and why it is recommended as a way of managing
adult-onset diabetes. Lectin binding is non-protein specific, and this is likely
why bitter melon has been credited with immunostimulatory activity - by linking
receptors that modulate the immune system, thereby stimulting said receptors.
Various cautions are indicated. The seeds contains vicine and therefore can
trigger symptoms of favism in susceptible individuals. In addition, the red
arils of the seeds are reported to be toxic to children, and the fruit is
contraindicated during pregnancy.
(This article is mostly fetched from and it is therefore free to copy)
About vanadium
Vanadium is a chemical element with
the symbol V and atomic number 23 Atomic mass (u) is 50.9.
Vanadium is a non-magnetic metallic that in the pure form is silver gray
metallic of appearance. It is soft and pliable and has good corrosion resistance
to alkalis, sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. By temperaurer over 660 ° C oxidize
easily to vanadiumpentoksid (V2O5). Several of the vanadium compounds are toxic.
Dust of vanafium is flammable and can cause lung damage if inhaled.
Vanadium is found in the binding valency 2, 3, 4, 5 and usually with the corresponding oxidation states +2,+3,+4 and +5. Vanadium in the state +5 is a reducing agent and in the other states an oxidating agent.
Vanadium has a limited role natively in living organism, but the element has certain medical properties. Certain species have enzymes and working proteins that contain vanadium.
Ten percent of the oxygen-carrying
blood cell pigment of the sea cucumber is vanadium.
Vanadium is used by ascidians or sea squirts in vanadium chromagen (color-generating)
proteins. These spacies can change color at will. The effective proteins change
the oxydation states of the vanadium and thus the color will change.
Rats and chickens need small amounts of vanadium to grow and the grown-up
individuals need vanadium to reproduce successfully.
A vanadium-containing nitrogenase is used by some nitrogen-fixing micro-organisms.
Vanadium are useful as a medical drug or supplement for certain purposes. The form of vanadium used is vanadyl (VO2-), usually as sulphate. In Vanadyl the vanadium has the oxidation and valence state 2+, and the overall vanadyl ion has the oxydation and valence state 2-.
Vanadium can help to improve the controle of blood sugar levels for people that have diabetes type II. Part of the effect originates from higher sensitivity to insuline.
Vanadium also seems to reduce the need for insuline supplementation in patient with diabetes type I.
Avandium also seems to help reduce cholesterole levels.
The effects on diabetes and cholesterole levels have been observed in clinical tests on humans.
Vanadium may enhance muscle growth, and it is used by bodybuilding athletes, but the effect is controversial.
About some natural ingredients used to controle diabetes
Many herbs and other natural ingredients are used to alleviate diabetes, and especially diabetes type 2, allthough none of the ingredients are said to cure diabetes. Here is a list of some of these, of which some are also found in the product presented above.
Magnesium - Helps
the release of insulin as well as the breakdown of glucose. 1 out of 4
diabetics are deficient in Magnesium.
Chromium - Chromium may be helpful for moving glucose and other
nutrients into the cells of the body.
Zinc - A zinc deficiency is found in people that are diabetic. (9)
Zinc helps normalize insulin production by the pancreas and glucose utilization
by the muscle and fat cells.
Folic Acid - Essential for the health of red blood cells and also
the production of various proteins and amino acids.
Selenium - Supports overall cardiovascular health and is important
for diabetics because of the high risk for heart attacks and angina.
Biotin - May help lower blood sugar in diabetics while also
improving nervous disorders linked to diabetes.
Vandium - Supplementation with Vandium has been reported to help
with diabetes. Animal studies have shown that Vandium can lower blood
glucose, decrease cholesterol, and decrease triglycerides.
Alpha Lipolic - Affects insulin as well as blood sugar in
type 1 diabetics.
Bitter Melon - Has been shown to improve glucose control in
human studies.
Taurine - Diabetics suffer from lower Taurine levels which may
lead to thickening of the blood. Supplementation with Taurine may reverse these
Fenugreek - May be helpful for lowering blood sugar levels due to
the high amount of dietary fiber prevalent in Fenugreek seeds.
Gymnemna Sylvestris - Is used for diabetes in Central and
Southern India. Gymnemna is thought to increase insulin secretion, and several
studies report that is does offer some control. (10, 11) In fact, a human study
confirmed that it does decreases blood sugar.
What is diabetes type 1 and how is it treated
Special areas, the islets of Langerhans, in the pancreas gland produce a hormone called insuline. This hormone is a protein of small size. Insuline stimulates muscle cells and other body cells to take up glucose from the blood and convert the glucose to glycogen, a kind of starch, and then store the glucogen.
By need the muscle cells convert the glycogen to glucose and use it as fuel. In this way insuline keeps the glucose level in the blood at a normal size.
By diabetes type I the cells producing insuline are destroyed. The cause is not well known. An auto-immune responce attacking the cells in the langerhansian islets may be a cause. Virus infection may be another cause. The disease also is to some extend inherited.
The disease often starts suddenly. Often children or young people are attacked by the disease. The lack of insuline causes an increased amount of blood sugar. Early symptoms of the disease are:
Increased urine production
Dehydration ( lack of water in the body )
Abnormal high thurst as a consequence of increased urine production
Dry mouth
Feeling extremely tired and weak
Weight loss, even when one eats well
Impaired vision
If the blood sugar level is not stabilized to a normal value, there will be an accumulation of chemicals in the body called cetones, and this condition is called diabetic ketoasidosis. This is a very serious condition that can lead to coma and death. The signs of this conditions are:
Pain in the stomack
Rapid breathing,
Rapid pulse
Abnormal tendency to sleep
In the long term, diabetes type 1 can severely hurt the blood vessels in vital organs. This can cause damage to the heart, eyes, kidneys or other body organs.
Diabetes type 1 is treated with insuline injections. Implanteing insuline cells in the pancreas is an experimental treatment. Another experimental treatment is to implant stem cells in the pancreas that can develop into new insuline producing cells.
Another important module of the tretment is regulation of the amount of sugar and fat consumed through the diet so that it fits together with the insuline amount taken. Also regular monitoring of the blood sugar level to regulate the insuline amount is an important part of the treatment.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.