Products to help for diseases in the mouth and the respiratory system
On this site you will find natural products based on herbs,
vitamins, minerals and anti-oxydants to help for problems in the mouth, of the respiratory
systems and allergic ailments. Further down you find some information about some
conditions in the respiratory tract and mouth; about
canker sores - red, white or yellow sores in the mouth, about halitosis and
about hay fever. Please click at the banner or links to learn more or buy.
Natural drugs for ailments in the mouth
Natural medicine to help for sores in the mouth or canker sores - Monoplex pills
- Some vitamins and minerals help to avoid and help to heal such sores. This product contains ingredients known to
help prevent canker sores or help the tissues to heal faster from such sores,
like: vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B12 (cyancobalamin), iron (ferous fumarate),
Zink oxide, L.lysin HCL, L-glutamine, Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice
Click here to buy or learn more or buy - Monoplex
Cover strips to treat canker sores
- You can use these patches to cover sores inside your mouth so that that they are not irritated by touching or by the food or drinks, and they also contain ingredients to help speed healing.
Gel to apply on canker sore to sooth and speed up recovery
Herbal gel to treat oral herpes - also called cold sores or fever blisters
Herbal pills to combat herpes or cold sores - HSV-1 and HSV-3 - Herdox
- Pills to boost the
resistance against the herpes variants HSV-1 that mostly attacks the mouth area and HSV-2
mostly injuring the intimatel region. They also help the skin afflicted by
herpes to heal faster.
Click here to buy or learn more - Herdox
Homeopathic medicine for oral herpes or cold sore or fever blisters
Bad breath or halitosis - Clorial
- A product to stop help against
bad breath caused by bacteria in the mouth, around the teeth. The product
contains hese ingredients help to reduce bacterial growth in the mouth:
Eucalyptus oil, Xylitol, folic acid, Lactoferin and thyme. Another ingredients,
vitamin C, help maintain healthy tissue around the teeth, which is also
important in order to hinder excessive bacterial growth. The ingredients
eucalyptus and pepermint also give a good smell.
Click here to buy or learn more or buy - Clorial
HEAD ACHE migrene - Viaprene
- Reduces tensions in the muscular system and blood vessels of the head
and gives direct analgesia against the pain, and thus threat ache in the head.
- Click here to buy or read more - Viaprene
Natural drugs for ailments in the respiratory system
Natural drugs for relief of cold and flu
HOMEOPATHIC UPPORT FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF KIDS and thereby help them against cold and flu
HERBAL TINCTURE TO sUPPORT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF KIDS and thereby help them against cold and flu
Bronchitis and astma - natural drug to alleviate symptoms
- Recent estimates indicate that 11.2 million Americans
have received a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis, which have the following
symptoms: A noticeable cough, Coughing up mucous in the morning, noises such as
wheezing while breathing, increase in the size of your rib cage, a bluish color in the fingernails. This natural drug is formulated to alleviate these symptoms
Herbal drugs for asthma relief
Homeopathic medicine to help for cough and bronchial irritations- for adults and children
HAY FEVER / allergies - Historal
- An allergy is the body's defense against what it thinks is a harmful substance. Hay
fever is an example of the body's natural defense mechanism reacting to airborn
pollen. Historal is a natural supplement that is designed to help your body
function properly. By helping reduce blood histamine levels, the symptoms of
your allergies may be relieved.
Click here to buy or learn more - Historal
Tincture to help for hay fever and allergies
A combined herbal and homeopathic nasal spray to help for congested nose and sinuses
Help against earache and clogged ears
- Help by these symptoms as by ear infection, inflammation or irritation due to impacts from the outside
Breathing problems due to chronic deep bronchial or lung obstruction as by emphysema - Oxynox
- To help for symptoms like breath shortness, coughing tendency, excessive sputum
production and wheezing, symptoms which are especially significant by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD.
Click here to buy or learn more or buy - Oxynox
Help against other health problems
LOT OF OTHER DISEASES - Medicines to be taken by mouth
- Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers
disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns,
carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic
fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2,
eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex,
hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media
Please click here to find the right product
Vitamins. minerals, anti-oxidants,
glyconutrients, noni, acai mangosteen and other supplements
against erection problems or to improve sexual life for females and males, please click here
Help against women's problems
All products to help for specific common diseases, pleace click here
Skincare, natural drugs for skin problems, quality
cosmetics, anti-aging products
About white or yellow sores in the mouth - canker sores
By canker sores there are iching sores in the mouth, most often at the inner side of the lips or cheeks. The sores can also be somewhat hollow, as if the mucosa or skin has been arouded away. The areas are sharply confined against healthy mucosa and usually small, 1 cm in diameter is a typical size. The sores can be red, but very often they are white or yellow due to an outer couting.
They develop rather quickly within 2 or 3 days and after that heal slowly within 14 days, usually without leaving any scar. Canker sores have a tendensy to develop if the mucosa have got a mechanical or chemically induced damage in the first place, for example if one bites oneself in the lip or inner ckeek, or if the mind or body is subjected to stress and bad nutrition or one has a food allergy. They often develop in women around the menstrual period. All ages can get canker sores, but they are most frequent in persons around 20.
Causes of the canker sores
One do not know what exactly the causes the sores. The way they develop seems to sugest an infection by virus or a reaction against substances produced by bacteria in the mouth, but they are not due to bacterial infections in the ordinary sense in the first place. The sores can however be infected secondarily. The white coating is parteially due to growth of bacteria or fungi at the top of the sores.
Treatment of canker sores
There is no effective standard pharmacological treatment of canker sores, only treatment to alleviate pain or to protect the sores from being irritated from things one eats or during tooth brush.
Oral pain medication used are acetominophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil).
Medication to protect the sores from irritation are usually applied directly on the sores Drugs used for this purpose are Anbesol, Orajel, Orabase and Zilactin-B.
You can also get patches to place over the sores. Such patches will transform into a gelatinous mass that protects the sores and alleviate pain in ca 12 hours before a new patch must be applied.
When applying the topical medicines, the sores must be dried with for example a cotton swab, then the medicin is put on and then one must not drink or eat anything in 30 minutes.
Blendings to flush the mouth can also be used to relieve pain and protect the sores against irritants. A mixture of milk of magnesia and Benadryl Allergy mixture may be effective for this purpose. You take one teaspoon of the mixture in your mouth for one minutes every 5th hour.
For sores that do not heal due to excessive inflammation or secondary infections, doctors may prescribe antiinflammatory agents like Aphthasol or Kenalog blended with Orabase or antibiotica like tetracycline.
Some herbs or natural substances or blendings of natural substances may stimulate the sores to heal faster. Substances that may help are: Vitamion C, vitamin B complexes, lysin, chamomille, sage, folic acid, vitamin B12 (cyancobalamin), iron (ferous fumarate), Zink oxide, L-glutamine, Licorice.
Chamomille and sage can be taken as tea and such teas can be used to flush the mouth with.
Since canker sores often are associated with bad nutrition, supplements of certain vitamions and minerals may also help to prevent such sores.
About halitosis or bad breath from
the mouth
Halitosis is also called by names like: oral malodor, breath odor, mouth odor, foul breath, fetor oris, fetor ex ore.
Causes of halitosis
Halitosis is the product of substances excreted by bacteria in the mouth. It can also be produced by decaying rests of food in the mouth, from pus or decaying tissues during infections or from decaying glandular secrets.
Bad breath is often produced by infection in the teeth, superficial infection aound the teeth (infectious gingivitis) and deeper infection around the teeth (infectious periodontitis). Bad breath often originate from widened pockets around the teeth that host bacteria that nourish on content trapped in the pockets. Such pockets are often due to an infection or poor dental work.
The bad breath can be alleviated by tablets, chewing gums and losengers containing zink oxide. This substance neutralizes the sulphorous compounds produced by the bacteria.
Treatment of halitosis
There are several measures that can be used to treat halitosis.
A good daily dental and oral hygiene will in most instances improve the condition. In adition to brushing the teeth, gentle cleaning the back of the tongue each day can help. This can be done with a soft tooth brush.
If there is a chronic infection in the toncils, this should be treated. White props in the tonsils can often be pressed out by a gentle pressures on the tonsils. A doctor can also help to clean the props out. In order to hinder props from reappearing, the pockets can be widened or removed by laser treatment.
The teeth should be regularily repaired by the dentist. If good oral hyigiene is not enough to clear infections around the teeth, the dentist can clean up the areas or the pockets can be removed surgically.
Gargling with a mouth-wash that flushes the bacteria away can be used before times when it is important that you are presenting a pleasurable breath.
Chewing on a gum can make your produce more saliva and thereby counteract bad breath.
Many natural substance help to reduce bacterial growth in the mouth and mouth cleansers, losengers or tablets containing those susbtances can be useful. Such substances are: Eucalyptus oil, Xylitol, folic acid, Lactoferin and thyme.
Substances that help maintaing good tissue health around the teeth are also useful. Vitamin C seems to stimulate healing in these tissues and can make the inner defence against infections better.
The bad breath can be alleviated by tablets, chewing gums and losengers containing zink oxide. This substance neutralizes the sulphorous compounds produced by the bacteria.
Some definitions
Asthma: A condition where a person experiences repeted asthmatic attacs or is susceptible for such attacs. By an asthmatic attack, the inside muscles of the bronchs constrict and the bonchs also swell inside. This causes difffioculty fo breath, especially to breath in. Asthma is usually caused by allergic reactions.
Bronchs: This are the branches of the thrachea going to each lung.
Bronchioli: These are brtanches of the bonchs inside the lungs.
Bronchitis: An inflammation in the bronchi, the two parts of the airpipe going to each lung. Usually the inflammation is caused by an infection.
Bronchiolitis: An inflammation in the bronchioli, the parts of the airpipe branching inside each lung. Usually the inflammation is caused by an infection.
Allergy: A reaction, and often an exaggerated one, from the immune system against some substance that normally should not produce such a reaction. This reaction will cause symptoms of inflammation.
Hay fever: An allergy against pollen from grass species or other plants. Hay fever usually occur in periods with intensive pollination.
Chronic: A disease lasting a long time, or not residing at all is called chronic.
Pathogen: Any living organism or substance causing disease, is called a pathogen, for example virus, bacteria or substances causing allergy.
Inflammation: Inflammation is the bodiy's protective reactions against a dangerous substance or organism or after an injury. The inflammation process consists of the following parts:
-The coagulation of the blood to stop bleeding.
-Reactions in the tissue to let the immune system get easy access to the area attacked , for example greater vessel permeability, higher blood stream throughout an area and swelling.
-The reaction by the immune system against dangerous substances or objects, for example the antibody reaction against harmfull substances.
-Processes with the purpose of tiding up after the attack. This is mostly done by eater cells of various kind.
-The initial part of the repair process after the attack.
Inflammation is often wrongly confused with infection. An infection will cause an inflammation, but there may be inflammation without infection. Sometimes inflammation occur when it is not necessary, and then it is harmful, for example by allergy.
Histamine: This is a substance produced by some cells in the body and released when the immune system reacts against some substance. Histamine causes meny of the inflammation reactions, like dilated blood vessels and swellings.
Trachea: This is the tubular part of the airpipe from the throut down to the bronchs.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and