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About herbs, substances and methods to reduce excessive appetite or stop the impulse to over-eat

These herbal ingredients are a component of many of the best weight loss supplements found on the market. Here are also some prctical tips to reduce an abnormal appetite.

Hoodia Gordonii:

This is a cactus-like plant (succulent) found in the Khalahari desert in Afrika. Even though the plant the plant has a similarity to cactae, it is not a cactus. Nearly all cactae originate from America, not Africa. The plant is 3 feet high and grows fresh colored flowers. The San tribe has for centuries used this plant to suppress the feeing of hunger when they were out hunting or on other types of excursions where they had not any opportunuty to eat. This centuries long experience has not showed any harmful side effects. The plant contains a substances that gives a signal to the midbrain that make you feel like you have just eaten.

This signal is normally given to the brain cells by glucose molecules when enough clucose has gone into the blood from the digestive system after a meal. Substances in this plant mimic glucose,and thus gives the same signal as glucose.

The effect you can expect using hoodia gordonii, is a greater ease for you to keep a controlled diet without giving up.


This is a chemical complex from the Korean Pine Nut tree Pinus koreanensis. Pinnothine (which just became widely available in 2005) contains pinolenic acid . Pinnoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms, three double bounds and with the first bound on the fifth carbon atom (omega-5 poly-insaturated fatty acid). This substance helps reduce appetite by making the intestines produce a higher amount of the appetite controlling hormone cholecystokinin (CCK). CCK is released into the bloodstream and suppresses the appetite by directly signaling to the brain to reduce the feeling of hunger. One of the ways CCK works, is by delaying the empying of the stomach contenet into the intestines.

Four hours after the intake of 3 g pinnoleic acid, the amount of CCK may be 60% higher than else.

Trixing with the meals: The amount of glucose in the blood stream determines to a great extend the degree of appetite you feel. By trixing with your meals so that you have a steady, but moderate glucose level, can help you to reduce an excessive appetite.

One way of doing this is by having several smaller meals instead of a few big meals. It is however important that you do not increase the total amount of food you eat in this way.

Another way is to stick to a few meals, for example 3, but take some sweet fruit, for example bananas between the meals.

Another way of reducing the appetite, is to eat the food containing the must sugar and carbohydrates first in each meal, for example beginning the meal with some fruit. If you plan to have some dessert, you can eat the dessert first. The dessert should be fruit, and not some sugar-laden cakes, and the like. It i however important that you do not eat so much of the carbohydrate rich food at first, so that you do not manage to eat the proteine rich food thereafter.

A diet with low gycemic index:

By keeping a daily diet with a low glycemic index, you more easily are able to controle your appetite. The glycemic index of a food type or a nutrient is a measure of the speed this substance causes the blood sugar level to rise once it has been consumed.

By having an over-all diet with a law glycemic index, the blood sugar level will keep itself fairly constant. Then you do not so easily get strikes of an uncontrolllable appetite, since the blood sugar reduces the action of the appetite center in the brain.

If you have a diet with a high glycemic index, you get periods each day with a very law blood sugar level. This easily gives you an attack of an uncontrollable appetite. Then the blood sugar is very high for some time and then abruptly decreases again. This swinging blood sugar level also contriutes in causing lifestyle diseases like diabetes.

A swinging blood sugar level with high peaks and can perhaps by a direct action cause you to more easily gain weight, because the blood sugar rather get converted to fat and stored than used when the level is high. It is a t least a common belief that this is true, but scientific investigation has cast doubt on that assumption.

Food with a low clycemic index are fish, meat, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables, and most diary products. Full corn cereals or full corn bread also have a low glycemic index. However, you must east lean meat and diary poducts to avoid getting too much fat. Fat in itself has a low glycemic index, but contains much energy and tjerefore is easily stored as fat depots in the body.

Natural fruit has a somewhat higher glycemic index. Food made from refined cereals, food with added sugar, potatoes, cookies, sweet snacks and sweet drinks have a high glycemic index.

Drinking enough water:

Sometimes it si not easy to know if one is thirsty or hungry. Many people drinks too little water, but mistakes the thirst for hunger and thereby consumes too much food, without managing to take away the thirst. To drink enough water between the meals and before the meals can both cure this cronic thirst and help reduce the amount of food consumed.

Consuming more bulky food:

The appetite also depend of the emptyness or fullness of the stomach. Consuming food that are bulky, but does not contain so much solid digestible substance, will give you a feeling of fullness and reduce the appetite. Fibre rich food, like full corn bread and cereals has this properties. The fibres are not absorbed, and they suck up water and swell to give a feeling of fullness. By adding bran or other high fibre elements to your food, this effect can increase even more.

Vegetables and to some extend also fruit contain much water, but little solid substance, and therefore give a good feeling of fullness. Vegatables however, contain much valuable minerals and vitamins.

About ebola and how it is treated and managed

Ebola is a contagious viral disease that attacks the digestive system from the mouth to anus, the kidneys, the circulatory system, the liver and in less severe degree the skin, eyes, nose and ears, resulting in multiple organ failure.

The disease is 40-60% lethal with treatment and near 100% lethal without treatment. It appears to be a new disease, at least among humans, discovered first in areas of Zaire in 1976. Up to now there has been several outbreaks of the disease, most of them in restricted areas in Western Africa. Around 1850 persons have been attacked by mid 2014, of which 1200 died.

The disease is caused by a group of several similar viruses, called Ebolavirus, in the family Filoviridae of the order Mononegavirales. The viruses are shaped like tubes, sometimes branched tubes, and use single-stranded RNA as material for genetic coding. Therefore the infected cells are commanded to make a corresponding DNA copy by means of the enzyme reverse transcriptase. The DNA copy is used by the infected cell for the production of viral protein and new viral RNA.

The virus spreads from person to person by exchange of blood, corporeal fluids and other materials from the body. It can also spread with animals that transmit body material through biting, for example by fruit bats. The virus does not spread easily through air at a long distance from one human to another. It is however very contagious by close human contact, and medical personal will be in great danger without using unpermeable clothes and filtration of the air they breath.

An epidemic usually begins when a human comes in touch with body fluids, body parts or body products like feces or urine from an infected animal, or is bitten by an infected animal, most commonly a monkey, a chimp, a pig or a fruit bat. The disease seems to be permanently present in populations of these animals without making the animals severely ill.

During epidemies in 2014 the disease has spread more rapidly out of traditional restricted zones to wider areas in Western Africa. This might indicate new strains of the virus capable of more rapid transmission or a spread of animals that carry the virus.

The incubation period varies from two days to three weeks. In that period the disease is little contagious. The disease then suddenly begins with high fever, sore throat, lethargy, muscle and joint ache and severe headache.

Later there will be nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, swallowing problems and elevated rashes. The function of the liver, kidneys and circulatory system can suffer gravely due to tissue death, inner bleeding, blood coagulation, and disturbances in the distribution of body fluids. The blood pressure can fall dangerously. Patient will often bleed from the eyes. Also tissue destruction and bleeding inside the skin can occur.

In severe cases near death more extensive tissue destruction inside body cavities can occur, resulting in bleeding from the ears, the nose, in the mouth and through the rectum. The death is caused by simultaneous failure of several organs. As the disease proceed, it results in severe weight loss and weakness, and the reconvalescent period is long.

Early symptoms of the disease can resemble many other feverish diseases with bleedings, like typhoid or malaria. For a secure diagnosis one tests immunological reactions and the presence of enzymes linked to the viral infection in blood samples.

There is no vaccine and no treatment directly against the viral infection as by 2014, but vaccines are being developed. Treatment consists of supporting the body with oxygen, fluid, electrolytes, nourishment, circulation support, blood transfusion and other types of support as long as the infection is active and in the reconvalescent period.

Infected patients are isolated and populations that house infected individuals are also isolated by restriction entering and leaving the afflicted area. Medical personal and support staff that go near to the patients use unpermeable clothes around themselves and all the air they breath is filtered. In advanced treatment settings, the patient is shielded from the surroundings with unpenetrable barriers and air filters.

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