About anti-oxidants
Oxidative agents are substances with a tendency to attract to themselves
electrons from other substances. By doing so, they rip apart chemical bonds in
these other substances, since chemical bonds consist of electrons shared between
two atoms. The oxidative agent will also in this process bind itself to the
substance attacked.
Free radicals are fragments of molecules that lack a bond in one of the atoms.
Free radicals will quickly attach themselves to other molecules and by so doing often also rip the target molecules apart. Free radicals are also often called oxidative agents, but these reactions are not necessarily ozidation of the target molecules. Free radicals are formed in
the normal processes in the body, by ultraviolet light radiation, by radioactive
radiation, or by reactions induces by toxins or pollutant comming in from the
Oxidative reactions are normal constituents of the life process. But in
the body, there also occur oxidative reactions not wanted, and that destroy
molechules in the body. The rections are partly effected by normal molecules
that unfortunately also give some side-effects. However, most unwanted
oxidations are caused by pollutants or toxins having entered the body or by free
radicals produced by the effect of toxins, radioactivity or ultraviolet light.
Such oxydation of body structures are a part of the cause of the aging process
and of serious diseases like cancer, atherosclerosis and heart infarctation.
Anti-oxidants are substances that prevent oxydation of important structures in
the body. Often they do so by letting the oxydative agents bind to themselves.
Thereby a harmless molechule is formed. They may also work by shielding body
structures from the oxydative agents or by gripping the oxydative agent
molechules and lead it out of the body.
Anti-oxydants often work together. One substance may bind to the oxydative agent
in the first place. Another may restore the first anti-oxydant to its originally
form and lead the rests of the oxydative agent out of the body. Therefore the
body need a supply of several anti-oxidants simultanously. Supplying the body
with only one anti-oxidant in great amounts can cause harmfull effects, because
the eliminiation process is not fullfilled toltally.
Anti-oxydants are of many chemical types. Many vitamins and vitamine-like
compounds are also anti-oxidants, as for example vitamine E, C, beta-carotene,
glutathione, dimetylglycine (DMG), N-acetylcysteine and co-enzyme Q10. Also many
minerals have such properties, as zink (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganium (Mn),
Magnesium (Mg) and molybdenium (Mo).
Other substances are only anti-oxydants without having other roles in the body.
Potent anti-oxydants of this kind are found in many plants, fruits and
vegetables. Flavonids, a group of substances giving plants their colour, are
potent anti-oxydants. Types of flavonides are proanthocyanidins (PCO) in grape
seed and in the maritine (Landes) pine bark, polyphenols in green tea, and the
citrus bioflavonoids rutin, quercitrin and hesperidin.
a general rule, fruits or plant material that have a strong colour or a strong
taste also are rich in anti-oxydants. Examples are pepper fruits, ginkgo biloba,
blueberries and especially raspberries, green tea and coffee.
Having a varyable diet with many types of vegetables, fruits, spices, teas and
also coffee will give you a good supply of anti-oxydants. Supplements in the
form of pills and capsules can also aid, but you should use a combination of
supplements or supplements that contain several anti-oxydants in combination.
About lechitin or phosfolipids
Lechithin is a sort of fat found in several variants. Each lecithine molecule
consists of a glycerol rest, two fatty acids eseterified to that , a phosfate
group esterified to the glycerole rest and a organic base esterified to that
phosphate group. The main variants of lechitine have their name from the type of
base linked to the phosphate group. Phosfatidyl-cholin contains cholin,
phosfatidyl-inositol has inositol, phosfatidyl-etanolamine has etanolamione and
phosfatidyl-cerin has cerin.
Lecithine is an important building block of all body tissue. All cell menbrans
and inner membrans of the cells consist of most lecithine and also of some
The insulating substance in the brain and nerve system are folded or wind up
membranes and contain much lecithine. The basic components of lecithine are used
as transmittor substances in the nervous system or materials to make hormons.
Enough lecithine is therefore important for the structure and function of the
nerve system.
Experience tells that an extra supplement of lecithin is good for the nervous
system, for the blood circulation, for the skin and for the digestion.
Lecithine seems to give a rejuvenating effects upon many body sytems, for
example the skin, the circulatory system and the nervous system.
Studies have shown that soy-derived lecithine lowers the cholesterole and fat (triglyceride)
levels in the blood and hightens the good cholesterole-proteine complex HDL.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.