Here you find presented several good products to help you rid yourself of toxic deposits in the digestive system, in the skin and in the rest of the body and thereby take away pain, bloating and symptoms of unease related to such deposits. You also will find links to sources of other items to enhance the general vitality and the defence against diseases, like: Vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, gluconutrients, essential fatty acids, protein supplements, herbal preparations. Further down there is an article of common negative factors affecting the health and well-being. There is also a health monitoring questionaire that it might be useful to go through to assess how good you take care of your health.
Products for general cleansing and toxin removal through the mouth
Oral drugs for detoxification of specific organs or specific body functions
Products for cleansing through the skin or by bath
Detoxyfication baths and wraps and much more
- Here You can find many good products to detoxify and firm up your skin and whole body, like detox foot bath and detoxification wraps. You will also find massage products and products to improve the beauty and quality of the hair. Also many smart cosmetic products and training products for problematic body areas.
Products for cleansing through the anus or intimate area
Good online sources for vitamins and mineral products, for products to help by ailments and for anti-aging drugs
Are you searching for a special vitamin, minera, training supplement, an anti-aging
product, or a product for a specific purpose? It is a good chance that you will
find it in one of the shops presented below.
VITAMIN SHOPPE - Many persons may have special needs for vitamins and minerals due to sport
activities, medical conditions, work or general lifestyle. This may
regard eiher the needed amount or the way of administering the vitamins and
minerals. Some persons also want to tune the intake of each substance
individually. Here you will find the exact
products that will fit your special needs.
Nutrient supplements for body-building and performance sport - products for men
and women - All kind of supplements of proteins, carbohydrates, essential fattty acids, vitamins, minerals, performance stimulants, growth stimulants and weight-gainers for body-builders and athletes of performance sports. Please click on this banner to see the products.
BULK HERBS, teas, bath and body,
- Single herbs, herbal preparations, teas, cofees, spices, bath and body products and aromatherapy products. Also many herbal medical
PRODUCTS to help against
manifest disease - Medicines to be taken by mouth:
Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers
disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns,
carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic
fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2,
eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex,
hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media
Click here to find the right product
All products for help against diseases - please click here - Help for specific problems in all organ systems
Improvement of sexual health and increase of sexual satisfaction - Natural sexual drugs and stimulants for men and women.
Anti-aging drugs - click here - Help for degenerative changes and loss of vitality in the skin, circulation, digestive system, nervous system, muscles, bones and the whole body.
Most people know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but it can also cause
many other cancers and illnesses.
Smoking kills around 114,000 people in the UK each year. Research has shown that
smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. There are more than 50
different diseases and disorders that are either caused by, or made worse by,
Smoking causes one third of all cancer deaths and one sixths of the
heart disease occurances. Some of these deths is from inhaling smoke from other
people's cigarettes is called passive smoking. It's made up of two types of
smoke: smoke from the burning end of the cigarette (side stream smoke) and smoke
breathed out by the smoker (mainstream smoke).
Unsafe sex
Unsafe sex can lead to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
There are several different types of sexually transmitted infections (infection
you can only catch through having sex with a partner). Using a condom is not
100% guarantee of not catching a STI but it does offer good protection. Sexually
Transmitted Infections cannot always be recognised because some do not have any
signs or symptoms for a long time, bt can lead to sterility.
Misuse of Alcohol
Alcohol can affect different people in different ways. Used moderately, it can actually contribute to disease prevention, especially blood circulation diseases, like heart infarction and stroke.
Large amounts alcohol consumed can give heavy risks to a person’s health and
well-being and to the health and well-being of the family of that person.
Alcohol can hurt the foster and give a newborn baby diseases such as FAS (Foetal
Alcohol Syndrome) and ARBD (Alcohol Related Birth Defects) Alcohol affects us
very quickly, within a few minutes. The limits fo safe use are:
* No more than 14 serving units in a week for females.
* No more than 21 serving units in a week for males.
Unfortunately for women, males tolearate alcohol better that women.
Genetic inheritancee
Over 5000 genetic conditions is said to exist today. These in turn affect over 2 million people in UK alone if. Genetic conditions are caused by changes in genes that affect the way the body works or looks. People with a genetic disorder are perceived as being different than other people. Intellectually they are slower to learn than most average people and socially they don’t get their needs fulfilled as they don’t tend to socialise with anyone else because people discriminate them.
However people having a genetic difference from other people can also be more
gifted in areas than the average level. It is wrong to diagnose any significant
genetic variations as a disease. It is often a better approach to bear in mind
that people are different because of different genetic inheritance, and need
different living conditions to thrive. We have a situation where the diagnosis "genetic
disorder" is grossly misused to characterize genetic variations, in order to
gain profit, in stead of giving each person living conditions that makes him
Drugs used illegaly or prescribed unappropriately
Drugs are not all the same. Different drugs have different dangers associated with them. Drugs are substances that change the way your brain and body works. Drugs can be swallowed, inhaled, smoked, or injected. Whichever way drugs are taken, they end up in your bloodstream and go to all parts of your body. Both drugs used legally after prescription by a doctor and drugs used illegally can harm. Lagally used drugs may be of benefit if the doctor brescribes the after a sound judement of the condition and if the doctor know about eventual benefits of other methods.
Too often however, drugs ar prescribed only to decrease symptoms that the
patient himsef or the society regard as unwanted, without making an effort to
really cure the patients conditions or really remend social conditions that may
be the real cause of behaviour or feelings by a patient.
Unsupportive relationships
Supportive relationships make you feel good about yourself. If somebody is being pressured into doing something that they don’t want to do they would no longer feel happy about the relationship. It could be that the person who is involved in the relationship is being abused both mentally and physically by their partner. This is known as an unhealthy relationship.
Also the relationship a person has to the society as a whole, to their
bosses, to authorities, to the school or to the health care system can be
unsupported and abusive. Authorities of various kinds abuse people in a
lot of ways as often as sposes, boyfriends, girlfriends, brothers, sisters
parents, uncles or other relatives.
Poor diet
Different people like different foods and like to prepare the same foods in different ways. Culture, family background, religion, moral beliefs, cost, and food allergies can all affect people's choices. Healthy eating has a great impact on a person’s health and well-being as the food we eat can prevent us from diseases.
A many areas it is by now simply difficult to find really healthy food. Food
companies are systematically cheating the consmers by making the food as cheap
as possible. Therefore much food layed out in the stores has a minimal nurtient
Eating Disorders causing over-weight or under-weight
Eating disorders can affect a person’s health and well-being drastically.The most common eating disorder is an unsound appetite for fat and sugar, making a person obese and further giving diabetes, circulatory diseases and other conditions. Other types of eating disorers affect some people, for example Anorexia or Bilemia.
Most people are unhappy with their physical appearance, and unfortunately they have a real reason for this. Most people are in fact over-weight. Som of these however react in an irrational way when they try to get a better shape leading to Anorexia or Bulemia.
However, in a society where most people are overweight, and where overweight also affects very often health care people, there is a tendency to diagnose people having a normal weight as anorectic, and to force people with a sound weight to gain an unhealthy over-weight.
The western societies are chemically polluted, and more so are ceratain
eastern societies. Radioctive pollution is also a steadily increaseing hazard.
The pollution also takes away the ozon shield in the antmosphere, causing people
to be hurt by excessive ultraviolet light. All this has a great impact on
our health and well-being. It can cause disorders in the whole body, like cancer
and neurological problems, and it can cause genetic disorders that will be
inherited for generations.
Inadequate housing
Housing conditions cave a big impact on the Health and Well-being in every society. If a home is over-crowded, damp and cold it is likely to be the cause of ill-health. People living in high apartments or flats can suffer from social isolation and so depression. In the weatern societies echonomical inequality is a growing cause of bad housing. Some types of work is simply under-paid, and others are over.paid, and unemplyment is a growing problem.
Here is a queationaire that may be useful to go through, in order to asses how good you care for your health. Many of the questions do not have any definite answar valid for every person, but going through the questions may give you an understanding of how good you care for your health.
Do you know how a healthy diet is composed?
If so, do you generally follow a healthy diet?
How much alcohol do you dring during an avarage week, how may servings?
Do you smoke. How many cigarettes do you smoke every week?
Do you use any other kind of tobacco?
Du you use drugs you feel you should not, illegally or legally?
Do you feel that your doctor just give you drugs instead of going to the root of your prolems to solve them?
Do you exercise regularly?
Do you have an health issue that has not been investigated to find the reason?
What is the sate of your health insurance?
How often do you visit the dentist?
Do you have problems with your teeth that has not been taken care of?
Do you visit the doctor when you have flu or minor illness?
Do you ask your doctor to check your general health, (eg: blood pressure) when you visit?
How often do you book an appointment with your doctor just for a check up?
How often do you visit the opticians?
Have you had all the reccomanded vaccinations? List the vaccinations you have had.
If you had not have all the vaccinations, did you have a good reason for not having some of them. There may be good reasons.
Do you seek help on health matters from any additional places? if so, state which (for example: a foot practitioneer, chiropracter etc.)
Do you ever ask for a second opinion? or see another doctor/ optition/ dentist if you feel they are not correctly doing their job?
Do you ever let yourself miss an important optition/ dentist/ doctor appointment?
If so do
you book another appointment straight away?
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.