- and supplement useful to prevent
and help against osteoporosis
Welcome to this presentation of good supplements to keep the body in good shape, like
calcium supplements, mineral supplements, anti-oxidants and vitamins. At the
bottom of this page there is some information about the anti-oxidant resveratrol,
about calcium and about osteoporosis that is a consequence of too low calcium
content in the bones.
Supplements of coral calsium and other essential minarals and nutrients - help
for osteoporosis
to combat aging and to strengthen the immune defence - help for wrincles and
stretch marks
Good sources for training supplements, nutrients, natural drugs and supplements for sexual potency
About resveratrol,
an anti-aging substance obtained from grapes
About calsium and its role in the human body
About brittle bones
or osteoporosis
Supplements to help prevent and combat osteoporosis. Calsium and other essential nutrients
Calsium, other minerals, vitamins and anti-oxydants are essential for the body to work properly and to maintain good health in the long run. On this site you will find a presentation of specially selected products for calsium supply and other essential nutrient supply.
Calium, magnesium, zink supplement especially good to prevent osteoporosis:
GET A CALCIUM SURPLUS which includes magnesium and vitamin D - Activa Coral Calcium
- Calcium is a mineral needed in more than just trace amounts. Therefore
most people wil benefit from an extra intake of calsium. Activa coral
calcium gives you this extra needed amount. Activa coral calsium is taken up
extreemely easy from your digestive system. This product also regulates
your body Ph to a favourable alcaline level. Most people have a too acid ph,
which is very unfavourable to the general health.
Click here to buy or learn more - Activa
Caicium, magnesium, boron and vitamin D supplement in liquid form
VITAMINS/MINERALS - A comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement for
VITAMINS/MINERALS - A comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement for small children
Products containing glyconutrients - Glyconutrients (or gluconutrients ) are special
suger compunds needed for protection against most diseases and recovery from
disease and injury. One easily gets shortage of these nutrients. A supplement can
help and sometimes be essential for disease prevention and recovery from
OMEGA-3-SUPPLEMENTS - formulated to give a peak benefit on specefic organ systems
- The daily diet often lacks
Omega-3-oils necessary for the health of the heart, circulation, joints, and for
the general bodily functions.
OMEGA-3-SUPPLEMENTS - formulated to give a peak benefit on specefic organ systems
- Supplements of omega+3 especially formulated to benefit the health of the heart, nervous system or joints.
rejuvenate the skin, nervous functions and circulatory system -
Lecithine is an important nutrient that is seldome talked about, but it is
actually as important as building material in the body as proteins and the body
also makes workings substances from lecithine, especially signal substances used
in the nervous system and hormonal substances. Many persons have exoerienced
that a lecithine supplement gives a general rejuveneating effect, and a specific
such effect on the skin and nervous functions. A lecithine supplement is also
good for the health of the circulatory ssytem and helps regulate the digestion.
Products to combat aging and to strengthen the immune defence
VigRXPlus - pills for men to make the erections large and sturdy, make erections come easily and make them last long. Also to make you feel more intense good sensations and get stronger orgasms - click here
Provestra - pills for women to induce lust for sex, good pelvic sensations, better lubrication, stronger engorgement and more intense orgasmic reactions. Also to reduce discomfort during menstruation and other stressful periods - click here
VigRXoil- cream for men to instantly stimulate a big and hard erection and intense genital and pelvic pleasure
Vigorell - cream for women to induce intense pelvic pleasure, increased lubrication, bigger engorgement of the vulvar parts and other pleasant physiological reactions - click here
An exhibition of all products to stimulate sexual pleasure and improve sexual abilities, also sexual toys of all kind - for men and women
Natural medicine to increae your memory, allertnes and all other aspects of brain capacity - Brain Pills - These pills will help you learn and meomrize more effectively and more effectively mobilize meorized information for use. They will make you more allert and able to better recognize patterns and happenings. They will help you think quicker and manipulate more complex information while thinking. They will take a way mental exhausetion and make you able to endure harder mental work and work mentally longer time.
Substances which enhance the general pnysical and mental vitality and support the immune defence - Propolis, Royal Jelly, Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea
A clinically proven topical drug
against skin aging and its symptoms like wrincles and brown spots - Kollagen
- The product makes much of
its effect by stimulating the skin to produce more structure proteins like
kollagen and elastin and integrate them into the skin structure.
Help to reduce or cure stretchmarks -
Skinception intensive stretchmark therapy - This clinically tested and confirmed topical can greatly reduce
stretchmarks. it works by a stimulation of the protein production in the skin
and of the building of good structures from those proteins.
Feel and look younger, reverse aging
- human growth hormone has proved to help regain skin thickness, muscle
intactness, a jouvenile muscle/fat-ratio and other properties of youth. The following drugs have all the rejuvenation effects, but some of them are formulated to have a peak effect on special areas of your physiology.
Go here for Genf20 - a drug for general rejuvenation of the bodily, mental and sexual capacities and of body proportions
Go here for Genfx - a drug formulated to rejuvenmate generally body shape, strength. potency and mental acuity
Go here for Hyperggh14z - a drug formulated to restore and add more than ever muscle volume, strength and integrity
Go here for Provasyl - a drug formulated to restore the body and mental capabilities of men from the middle ages and older
Resveratrol - a generally working disease
preventing and anti-aging substance
- Reservatrol is an antioxydants found in red grapes and other plants that may
help you combat aging changes, reduce risk of canser, reduce risk of cirulative
diseases and reduce the chance of getting degenerative diseases in the nervous
system. Through this link you can find these products and many other reservatrol
Pycnogenol - a tissue-protecting and anti-aging
substance especially good to combat inflammatory damages
- Pycnogenol is an extract from the
bark of mediterranean pine treees containing many anti-oxidative components.
Generally the substance helps to protect against tissue dammage, to heal
allready manifest tissue damage and to alleviate inflammations. It is especially effective against damages and
degeneration in the blood circulation and damages due to rheumatic conditions.
Good souces of supplements for training, nutrients and natural medicines
These shops are general shops for supplements of many purposes, but specializing in certain areas. They all have also a good stock of anti-aging supplements.
Click here to see a good parmacy for: Natural products to keep the skin in good health, to slim down, rejuvenate, enhance skin health and increase beauty. Drugs to get good health in the blood circulation, joints, digestive system and mental capacities. Products to take away unwanted hair or to counteract baldness.
MANY SMART PRODUCTS for beauty, wellbeing and
- In this store you can find many good product to rinse your skin, your stomach
and your body generally from accumulated vastes. You find product for skin and
hair rejunevation. There are products to help yo relax and feel comfortable
mentally and physically.
Many persons may have special needs for vitamins and minerals due to sport
activities, medical conditions, work or general lifestyle. This may
regard eiher the needed amount or the way of administering the vitamins and
minerals. Some persons also want to tune the intake of each substance
individually. Here you will find the exact
products that will fit your special needs.
A very amply equipped online herbalist, pharmacy and medical equipment shop
- Single herbs, herbal preparations, teas, cofees, spices,
bath and body products and aromatherapy products. Herbal medical
products directed against specific diseases. Nutrients, condition enhancers and anabolic products for bodybuilding and sport. Forthermore you will find pharmaceutical products and products for nursing and medical care.
An exhibition of especially selected roducts to help against manifest disease
- Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers
disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns,
carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic
fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2,
eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex,
hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media
Click here to find the right product
A huge inventory of cosmetic products and skin health products
Here you find all products from the leading houses in the World for very favourable prices. Also drugs for prevention or cure of skin conditions or to reduce symptoms of
chronic skin diseases: Aging symptoms of the skin, scne, scars, rashes, sun-damage,
cellulites, thin skin, edema, miscolored skin, rosacea, psoriasis, etc
Go here to see a great exhibition of natural drugs to combat skin problems of all kind
Go here to see natural drugs to enhance the sexual potency of men and women and to amplify sexual drive and pleasure
Go here to see exhibited a lot of products to combat specific common diseases in all parts and all organ systems of the body
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About resveratrol
Resveratrol is a fenolic compound. It contains two bezen rings and three hydroxyl groups attached to these. Between the benzene rings there are two carbon atoms with a double bond between. It is classified in the chemical group phytoalexins. The compound is found in many parts of several plants. It is especially abundant in red grapes.
Plants make resveratrole to protect against infection by bacteria and fungi, and the syntesis of reservatrol increases when such an attack occur or the plant is injured.
Resveratrol has anti-oxidant properties and as such help to protect against tissue damage and aging.
Experiments on simpler species with short lifespan, like insects and some fishes has shown that reservatrol increases the lifespan of these species significantly. Research on humans have not yet been fully conducted to give any conclusive results about lifespan increase due to reservatrol comsume.
Resveratrol has shown to decrease the bad effects of high fat or of bad fat in the diet in experiments with mice, for example the bad effects on the sirculatory system. The substance did not however lower the fat and colesterole content in the blood.
Experiments with mice has shown that reservatrol prevents cancer and counteracts allready existing cancer, but the effect is most significant when the substance comes directly in contact with the tissue. Therefore it is effective to counteract skin cancer with topical applyance and cancer in the digestive system. It also seems to be effective when the substance is injected directly into body cavities. It is difficult for the body to take up enough resveratrol from the digestive system into the blood circulation to significantly counteract cancer outside the digestive system.
Mouse studies has shown that resveratrol increases the condition and the ability to endure hard work. It can therefore be useful for people doing athletic activities.
Experiments on mammals has shown that resveratrol helps to protect against damages and degeneration in the nervous system, for example in the brain, including the kind of degeneration and assamblance of plaques occuring as a result of Altzheimer's disease.
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About calsium and its role in the
human body
As a pure element, calcium is a metal. In the
body calcium exists as ions. Most of the calcium in the body is bounded to
fosphate (calsium-fosphate) and is a major building component of bones. Calsium
exists in the cells as soluted calsium ions, ca2+. The blood also has calcium
soluted. 47% of the blood calcium is bounded to albumine proteins, 47 % is
soluted calcium ions and 6% is complexed with fosphate, citrate and other anions,
that is negative ions.
The role of calsium in the body
Calcium fosphate is the
most important building component in bones.
The content of calsium in
the cells determine the permeability of the cell membrane for other ions. The
higher the calcium content, the slower will other ions go through the cell
membrane. Therefore a right calsium content will hold the exitability of nerve
cells at a right level.
The recommanded calcium
intake for children and adults is 1200 mg per day (2.2 grams). For teenagers and pregnant
women, the recommanded intake is 1500 mg per day. For lactating women 2000 mg per day is the supposed need. 200 mg per day is difficult to achieve by diet alone,
and an extra surplus is necessary.
Calcium deficiency
If the concentration of
calcium in the blood drops beyond normal levels, hormones from the parathyroid
glands are released. These hormones make the bone tissue release calsium from
the bones into the blood.
Prolonged deficit of
calsium supply from the diet will therefore make the bone thinner, weaker, with
low calsium density and result in easily broken bones. This condition is called
Osteoporosis can also
occur with normal calicum intake. A deficit in vitamin D also is a causal factor
of osteoporosis, still another causal is lack of daily exercise, but there are factors not yet fully understood. A daily surplus
of the recommanded calcium, plus vitamine D intake is a measure to prevent
osteoporosis, and possibly also to drive the condition back. But since also other
factors are in play, these measures will not always fully avoid the condition.
Daily exercise is a third measure that will increase the chance of succeeding to
prevent osteoporosis.
If the calcium deficit is high,
this can result in a state of deformed bones called rachitis.
Since calsium deficit makes
the nerve cells more exitable, this deficit will lead to cramping, unvoluntary
twisting, higher heart rate and grimaces . With grave deficit, the heart
rate can get out of control, resulting in inefficient pumping of blood and
cardiac arrest.
Too high
concentration of calsium
A too high concentration
of blood calcium will slow down nerve impulses, leading to lethargy, muscle
weakness and slow reactions. With severly increased calsium concentration, there
will be dimmished conciousness, absense of reflexes and eventually coma.
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About osteoporosis
By osteoporosis the mineral content of the bones, or bone mineral density, is reduced and thereby the strength and radiologic density is also reduced.
WHO operational definition of osteoporosis is a bone mass 2.5 standard deviations or more below the average for healthy, young, adult women (T-score = ÷ 2.5).
Osteoporosis gives higher risk for fractures and is defined as a systemic skeletal disease.
Patients with osteoporosis will function normally until they break a bone (established osteoporosis). Because of the high risk of breaking bones, patients with osteoporosis will often be plagued by sveral slowly healing fractures at the same time.
It is primarily women who are affected by osteoporosis. Normally a woman's skeleton is at its strongest around 25-35 years of age. Bone density remains roughly constant as the balance between breakdown (resorption) and formation (ossification / osteogenese) for about 10 subsequent years. Then follows a period of bone loss of about 0,3-0,5% per yearly. After menopause bone loss accelerates due to loss of estrogen production - it may reach up to 3 to 5% per year over a period of from 5 to 7 years. Norwegian Osteoporosis Society defines osteoporosis as loss of bone mass greater than 25%.
Pre-osteoporosis is "low bone mass," and called Osteopenia. Osteopenia is defined as bone mass in the range between 1 and 2.5 standard deviations below the mean ((÷ 1> T-score> ÷ 2.5)
Factors that contribute to reducing
bone dencity
- Use of certain medications, particularly corticosteroids
- Inactivity
- Weight Loss
- Lack of vitamine D
- Lack of calcium
-Lack of estrogen (or testosterone in men) after menopause or in disease states / surgery.
Astronauts lose calcium from bones quickly because there is little pressure
along the long bones. During long space missions, it has been practiced to put
the legs under pressure to artificially create pressure on the bones. It is not
known that such treatment is tried as a treatment for osteoporosis.
Prevention of osteoporosis
The development of osteoporosis or preventeion of it can be don eby a combination of elements:
- Training that exerts weight on the bones
- Smoking cessation
- Adequate energy intake to avoid weight loss
- Enough Calcium intake - (dairy products or supplements)
- Vitamin D intake by food rich in viatmine D (fat fish, fish oil and seafood)
and by supplements.
- Exposure to sun that makes the skin produce vitamine D.
Management of osteoporosis
In the treatment of osteoporosis is the primary recommendation from the health
authorities the use of food supplements of calcium and vitamin D, as well as
drug therapy with bisphosphonates.
Secondarily are recommended SERMs (Selective
Estrogen Receptor Modulators), or estrogen supplements (for women). In addition,
now a PTH-based drug that stimulates the development of bone is available in the
Estrogen may be appropriate, particularly when co-treatment of menopause
problems also are indicated.
Fosamax is a medicine that reduces osteoporosis. This is one of the few
medications that are available in through prescription in many communities.
Exercise with walking or other use of the arms and legs provides a significant improvement in bone. Increased muscle mass seems protective of bone.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.