The Abicana webstore - About hemorrhoids and methods to cure the ailment, and about psyllium mucilage and horse chesnut


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Hemorrhoids - How do hemorrhoids develop, how to cure hemorrhoids

By hemorrhoids veins in the anal area are swollen, distended and possible also inflamed. Hemorrhoids at these places are called external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be in the anal opening or in the skin around the anus. Hemorrhoids can also be further inside in the rectum past the anal opening, and therefore more hidden. Hemorrhoids deep inside past the anus are called external hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids give these symptoms:

-Veins around the rectal opening, in the opening or further inside in the rectum are swallen and extended by accumulation of blood.

-The skin or mucosa where the veins are swallen are itching.

-The accumulated blood will eventually coagulate and make the hemorrhoid harder.

-The swollen veins may be infected and inflamed, this make them even more swollen, and increases the pain or itching.

-The swollen veins can tear and be bleeding. This most often occurs when the hemorrhoids are inflamed.

-The swollen inflamed veins may rupture totally. Then there will be a greater bleeding, and the content of the swollen vein empties. Then the swelling goes away.

-Ruptured henorrhoids will eventually heal.

-Coagulated blood in hemorrhoids that do not rupture will eventually be absorbed, and the vein may heal so that the hemorrhoid goes away, but the vein and the skin around the vein may be permanently wekened.

-The hemorrhoids may lead to permanent lumps, scars or thickened area after the initial healing.

External hemorrhoids - anatomical structure

This picture shows how external hemorrhoids are places in the rectal mucosa (A free picture from

The process that leads to hemorrhoids

Since hemorrhoids are caused by conditions making increaced pressure in the anal veins, like lazy colon, constipation or diarrhea, the ultiate cause of hemorrhoids are factors causing these conditions. Such factors are:

-Lack of fibre in the daily diet

-Drinking too less water.

-Consuming too less fat, or the opposite too much fat

Cramping in the anal spincter and the muscles around the rectal opening seem to restrict the blood streem in the anal area and thus contribute to causing hemorrhoids. General tention caused by nervous or psychological processes may also involve tention in these muscles.

How to cure hemorrhoids

1. Lifstyle adjustments

Lifestyle measures to prevent or cure inactive colon and constipation, will also help to prevent or cure hemorrhoids. Such mesaures are:

-A diet with enough fibre, containing: Whole corn cereals, whole corn bread, vegetables, fruit.

-Using natural oils in the food that gives the intestinal content a soft consistency, like olive oil, subflower oil, rape oil and soy oil.

-Some dayly execise.

-Drinking enough water.

2. Agents to regulate the digestive function

You can certain natural products to regulate your digestive functions and this will also help against hemorrhoids:

* Bran added your diet have a high fiber content, and will stimulate the intestines to contract better and pass uts content more rapidly.

* Linen seeds will make the stools softer so that it is passed better throug the intestines.

3. Topical balms

You can find topical balms on the market to apply onto the affected area. The balms contain ingredients that penetrate through the skin into the swollen blood vessels and anal muscles, or are transported throug the tissue fluids upwards in the intestinal wall. These ingredients will give the following effexts:

* Alleviating inflammation and iching.

* Stimulating tissue healing.

* Alleviating cramping in the rectal spincter * Dissolving coagualted blood using ingredients like.

* Stimulating the intsetine to contract better by ingredients that is absorbed into the tissue and transported upwords in the rectal walls.

Other ingredients lubricate the rectal opening or the end part of the rectum to make the stool pass more easily.

Ingredients typically found in such balms are: Butcher's Broom,Water, Vegetable Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Calendula, Ginkgo, St. Johns Wort, Hawthorn, Linden, Roman Chamomile, Aloe Vera, Evening Primrose Oil, Cetyl Alcohol, and Sorbin Acid as a natural preservative.

4. Oral products to treat hemorrhoids

You can also find oral pills or capsules to help against hemorrhoids.. The ingredients and effects of these products are much the same as those of the topical products.They give a greater effect upon the whole digestive system than the topical products, but a less intence effect directly onto the anal tissue. The effects of these products are.

* Giving the stool a greater voume so that the intestines manage to pass it more effectively.

* Giving the stool a smoother consistency so that it passes more easily through the intestinal system and rectal opening.

* Alleviating cramping an irregular contractions in intestinal system.

* Stimulating intsetines to contract better and more regularly.

* Alleviating inflammation and iching.

* Stimulating tissue healing.

* Dissolving coagualted blood.


Psyllium is the common same for several species in the genus plantago in the family plantaginaceae. Plantago ovata and Plantago psyllium are the most commonly grown commercially.

Plantago ovata is annual. It gets 30–46 cm (12 to 18 inches) high. Leaves are placed oppositly

the leaves are long and narrow, linear or linear lanceolate, 1 cm × 19 cm (0.4 inches × 7.5 inches). The plants has a well prominent tap root with few fibrous secondary roots.

The plant grows flower after 60 days of growth. Many flowering shoots grow from the base of the plant. Flowers are numerous, small, and white. Capsules contain the seeds and these open up when mature.

Commercial uses of psyllium

Psyllium are grown for their seeds. The outer coat of the seeds is separated. From the skin one produces psyllium mucilage by fine grinding and then by ceparating the psyllium fibres from the rest of the material. The psyllium fibre obtained is around 25 % of the total seed weight.

The psyllium husk is used in the pharmaceutical industry to make drugs to regulate the stomach function.

Psyllium muscilage is also used as a soil improver and in techical applications where it is important to bind water.

The inner parts of the seeds are used as food for domestic animals. It contains much carbohydrates (mainly starch) and fat,

The properties of psyllium musilage.

Psyllium mucilage or psyllium husk is a glucoprotein. It consists of long molecules of sugar units combined with long protein units There are many loaded atomic groups in the molecules. This make the substance highly attractive to water and other polar flids.

The dry mucilage is white and fibrous. It is able to absorbe large amounts of water and thereby swell to a gelatinous mass.

All plants contain mucilage. The substance aids to store water, It also helps to give parts of plants enough thickness and stiffness. Succulents such as cacti contain much mucilage and water bounded by the mucilage.

Medical uses of psyllium mucilage

Psyllium mucilage will absorbe water in the intestines. The content inside the intestines will by this effect get a greater volume and soft in an appropriate degree.

If the content in the first place tend to be too dry as by constipatiion, the mucilage will hold on the water and provide the content to be soft enough.

If the content tend to be too loose as with diarrhoea, the mucilage will absorbe much of the water and hold it to provide some firmness.

The substance also stimulate the intestines to move stronger.

Because of these properties psyllium mucilage helps aginst constipation and can also help aginst mild diarrhoea.

Since constipation or hard stool is a direct cause of hemorrhoids, it can also help against this ailment.

Psyllium mucilage is used both in the ordinary pharmaceutical industry and by procucents of althernative products as ingredients in stomach-regulating products and producta to treat constipation and hemorrhoids. The product metamucil contains psyllium husk.

About Horse Chesnut

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a tree in the genus Aescululus, which are included in the family Sapindaceae. Earlier it was considered a separate family. Despite the name, the tree is not related to the chestnut.

The full botannical classification of the tree is: Kingdom: Plantaem, (unranked): Angiosperms, (unranked): Eudicots, (unranked): Rosids, Order: Sapindales, Family: Sapindaceae, Genus: Aesculus, Species: A. hippocastanum

Horse Chestnut can be 25-30 meters, it can also be old, 200 to 400 years. The name Horse Chestnut has it that the seeds have been used in animal feeding in the bad years. The leaves are large, they are composed of 5.7 smaller leaves. In spring, the buds on the tree have sticky. Horse Chestnut flowers in June, with flowers that are large and white with patches of yellow and red. Horse Chestnut is a fruit that is round with spikes on, containing the big chesnut-like seed.

The tree naturally belong to the mountainous areas in the Balkans, but has spread far norhwards, from gardens and parks.

Nuts on the Horse Chestnut is slightly toxic to humans when eaten in some amount as food, and will then cause stomach tropuble and voimiting.

The seeds contain the saponin aescin and the related glucoside aesculin that are used for health purposes.

These compounds or extracts from the seeds containing the compunds are used against venous insufficiency a condition composed of the components varicose veins, edema and sprains. It is strong scientific support for the effect of the substance against this condition.

Since hemorrhoids are venous insufficiency in the rectal region with varicose veins and swelling, hemorrhoids can be treated with xtracts of horse chesnut seeds.

Aesculus hippocastanum is used in Bach flower remedies. When the buds are used it is referred to as "Chestnut Bud" and when the flowers are used it is referred to as "White Chestnut".

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in the rectal weins or another area. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.