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There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives.

Such procedures can involve al parts of the body. It is however typical that they are done mith endoscopes, sonds or specula through the nose, mouth, ear, esophagus, windpipe, urethra, vagina or anus. Taking of specimens through needle-like sonds from the cavities in the breast or stomach area is also typical.

Here is a list of possible observations that can help you to find out if you have been subjeted to secret procedures under anesthesia as a child, teen or adult, or if this has happened to your children or family members.

Observations that should make you suspect a secret procedure was done on you, your child or family member

- You did not know about any symptoms that suggested that you or your child needed any exam or procedure.

- People other than those espected to perform the procedure are hanging around before and after the procedure, and are talking with the staff responsible for the procedure.

- The staff insist on performing a surgical procedure or examination under general anetsesia when the procedure seems to small to make that necessary.

- A tampon or other object being left in the vagina.

- A tampon or other object being left in the anus.

- The underwear beng messed up or other signs that one has been stripped naked at the lower body.

- Waking up with unexpected catheters or tubes inserted in the urethra, anus or other body openings.

The staff informs you about the time the procedure and the time under anetshesia will be, and the time they tell is surprizingly long.

- The time from getting the anesthesia till you or your child woke up was twice the time expected.

- It took a surprizing long time before parents or the family were allowed to visit the patient after the procedure.

- The staff bahaves or shows an attitude as if they own your child or the famiy member that has the procedure.

- The school health service was more than usually interested in your child around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams that did not seem to be related to the procedure

- The teachers of your child change behavior towards your child or yourself in the time before the procedure.

- The child protective agencies were interfering with your child or your family around the time of the procedure.

- You or your child gets dreams or memory flashbacks of strange things happening with parts of your body where you did not knew you had an examination.

Bodily ymptoms that should make you suspect that secret procedures were done on you or your chil

Even though these ordeals are clandestine, they will typically produce symptoms that suggest someting of the kind has occured. Here are listed ome common sympoms:

- Pain, irritation, bleding or discharge from the nose.

- Pain, irritition, bleding or other problems in the mouth.

- Pain, irritation, slime or other problems in the respiratory tract or lungs.

- Pain, irritation or other problems in the hip joints or hip muscles.

- Pain, irritation or other problems in the urethra or bladder.

- Slime, bleeding, discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my urethra.

- Pain or irritation in the vagina.

- Slime, bleeding, discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of the vagina.

- Pain or irritation in the anus or rectum.

- Slime, bleeding discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of the anus or rectum.

- Pain, irritation or gas in the colon or lower stomach.

- Pain or irritation in your esophagus or upper stomach.

- Signs of needles having been stuck into your stomach or breast area.

- Strange bruices around your body.

Such unexpected symptoms as listened can also occur after routinously use of endotracheal tube, IV lines, nasogastric tubes, urinary catheter or rectal tubes , so they may not allways be indicative of clandestine extra procedures.

If several of these symptoma occur at the lower body after a small procedure at the upper body, like tonsillectomy, dental work, eartube procedure or adenoidectomy, they strongly suggest some more have been done than the known procedure.

Reasons for performing secret procedures on children, teens and adults

Often the instances requiring secret medical exams done on young persons are authorities of various kind, like child protective agencies, police, community health authorities, the school a child attends, research institutes or military authorities. Sometimes parents or guardians are those asking for the procedures to be done, and sometimes the procedure has been recommended by the family doctor or pediatrician.

The staff prefer doing the examinations under disguise of some other procedure, because they think that knowledge about these highly intimate and intrusive exams would harm the child or the parents psychologically, bring protests from the parents or the child, make stories circulate, or the knowledge could cause the staff to be accused of sexual abuse.

Actual purposes for doing such exams are:

- The patient is used for practical training in endoscopic procedures for medical students and doctors under specialization.

- Authorities perform general surveillance of the health status of the young population in the society.

- One surveils presence of specific microbes in the bodies of the young population.

- Authorities are secretly mapping evidence of sexual activities in the young population.

- Research projects are going on, especially projects regarding growth and physical development of children and adolescents.

- Health institutions harvest tissue, especially stem cells to be used for research and in treatment of other patients.

- One investigates symptoms of possible disease in a young person.

- Child protection agencies or other authorities suspect parents or other near persons to subject the child for sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect of needs, and want to investigate without neither the parents, nor the child to know.

- Authorities secretly places electronic chips in the body of young persons to be able to follow the whereabouts and physiological parameters in the person by wireless transmission.

Some societies seem to do mandatory or recommended endocopic exams through body opening of children and teens at specific age levels as a kind of comprehensive physical screening. One prefers however not to let the young person know about it, and disguise it by doing it in the same session as some other non-secret surgery under anesthesia.


I am performing a public poll about such clandestine ordeal as described here and the occurance of symproms indicating such ordeals. If you whish, you can take the poll anonymously at this adress: Here are the questions the poll.

If you wish to take the poll, you can answer the questions through my email:

The answars will be used for statistic and the most interesting answers published without any identity revealed.

Best regards
Knut Holt


At preschool age 0-6.

At schoolage 6-9

As preteen 10-12

As early teen 13-16

As late teen 17-20

As young adult 21-30 Adult aged 31-50

Adult above 50


The procedure happened in North America.

The procedure happened in South or Mid America.

The procedure happened in western Europe.

The procedure happened in Eastern Europe, including the whole of Russia.

The procedure happened in Asia, except Russia.

The procedure happened in Austrialia or Oceania.

The procedure happened in England.

The procedure happened in Norway.

The procedure happened in Denmark.

The procedure happened in Sweden.


The procedure occured before 1960.

The procedure occured in the years 1960-1969.

The procedure occured in the years 1970-1979.

The procedure occured in the years 1980-1989.

The procedure occured in the years 1990-1999.

The procedure occured in the years 2000-2009

The procedure occured in 2010 or later.


I had dental work.

I had tonsillectomy or adenectomy.

I had an exam or surgery in my moth, nose or respiratory organs.

I had an exam or surgery in my chest.

I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area.

I had a procedure in my upper stomach with instruments through my mouth.

I had an exam or surgery in my spine or back.

I had cystoscopy or other procedure through my urethra I had an exam or procedure through my vagina.

I had an exam or procedure through my anus.

They performed orthopedic surgery in my hip region.

They performed orthopedic surgery atmy arms or shoulders.

They performed orthopedic surgery at my legs.

They performed an exam or procedure, but was not given information about what they did.

Other kind of exam or procedure.


I had pain, irritation or other problems in my nose.

I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth.

I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs.

I had pain, irritation or other problems in my hip joints or hip muscles.

I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder.

I had slime, bleeding, discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my urethra.

I had pain or irritation in my vagina.

I had slime, bleeding, discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my vagina.

I had pain or irritation in my anus or rectum.

I had slime, bleeding discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my anus or rectum.

I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach.

I had pain or irritation in my esophagus or upper stomach.

I had signs of needles having been stuck into my stomach or breast area.

I had strange bruices around my body.

A tamoon or oother object being left in my vagina.

A tampon or other object being left in my anus.

My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body.

The procedure or the time to you regained consciousness took at least twice as long time before you wake up than expected.

Your parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs.

Strange persons appeared around you before and after the procedure than those you expected to perform the procedure.

The school health service was more than usually interested in you around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams that did not seem to be related to the procedure

The child protective agencies were interfering with you or your family around the time of the procedure.

Other signs that those listed.


I had local anesthesia only as far as I remember

I was given sedative medicines through my mouth

They gave me sedative medicines through my anus.

I was given medication intravenously.

They gave me gas through a mask.

They gave me gas through a tube down my throut. This is usually not remembered because one gets other medication first.

I was awake but drowsy from the anesthesia.

I was unconscious all the time.

I woke up occationally.

I though I was conscious l the time, but I do not remember parts of the procedure, as if i was unecpectedly unconscious.

I was given anesthesia throug hypnosis or other kind of neurological techiques.

Other kind of anesthesia.


The procedure occured in the school.

The procedure occured at a health center.

The procedure occured in a special car or ambulance.

The procedure occured in the locals of the child protective agency.

The procedure occured at a police station.

The procedure occured in a day and night institution for children and teens.

The procedure occured in a military establishment.

Other kind of places.


What did they give as reason for the main procedure, not the secret?

How did you get to the place where the procedure occured?

Do you remember the exact age, place and time it happened. Please tell about it.

Do you remember any person speaking about any additional exams or findings, and what did they say?

Do you actually remember any part of the secret ordeal. What do you remember.
