To find advices about body-building please scroll down
Body building is not something only for
those aiming ot getting enormous muscles or getting super-strong. If you want to
improve your body shape in any way, for example getting firmer, more curved at
the right places, slimmer at the right places, more upright, or with a more
pronounced profile, you have to do some body building activities. In addition
some kind of slimming program may be necessary. Here are presented some products
and some advices to change your body successfully in the direction you want.
Great online sources of nutrient supplements for body-building and performance sport - products for men and women
House of Nutrition
- All kind of supplements of proteins, carbohydrates, essential fattty
acids, vitamins, minerals, performance stimulants, growth stimulants and
weight-gainers for body-builders and athletes of performance sports. Please
click on this banner to see the products. Also slimming products and herbal medicines
Vitamin shoppe
- This shop specializes in supply of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids, alone or in blendings. It has also a good inventory of body-building nutrients.
Products for body-building from these online shops and other good sources
Taking some supplement of easily digestible and
absorbable proteins can help to build muscles. A supplement of biologically
active stimulants like vitamins, minerals, anti-oxudants and natural growth
factors can also be of value. Lecitine is a blending of phospholipids that both
contains important building material for cell structures and stimulating
constituents. Here are examples of these types of supplements. By clicking at
the links you can buy the exhibited products or find many other products of the
same cathegories.
Growth hormone production increaser for more effective muscle building and rejuvenation
- This product is made to help you more easily grow muscles. Another effect is rejuvenation. As one ages the release of growth hormone tends to decrease. It helps to restore general vitality and muscle mass. It also helps to get rid of fat at the wrong places. A key working mechanism is induction of a more efficient growth hormone production in your body.
More muscle growth stimulaters
Creatine powder - This substance makes the muscles take in water so that they get more ample. More importantly it makes the muscles able to work harder so that you can do more effective muscle growth training.
TestRX - Pills to give you stronger testosterone production
- If you have a poor testosterone secretion you can get weak erections, feel less energy for sex and other physical activities, have low sexual appetite, get low mental mood, and tend to loose muscle mass. Especially men over 45 tend to have such problems due to low testosterone levels. These pills will stimulate more sex hormones to be produced. They will give greater sexual, mental and physical vigor, and will make it easier to to build muscle mass.
Supplements of free amino acids or short peptides that are rapidly absorbed
Supplements of proteins that are rapidly absorbed
Supplements of proteins that are absorbed slowly over some hours so that your muscles gets something to grow on in a steady rate
Supplements with a blending of rapidly and slowly taken up proteins
Supplemenst of other building blocks necessary for muscle growth
Energy supplements based on carbohydrates
Combined supplements of proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients
Supplements reduce weight and help against health problems
Having a normal weight is neccessary to be optimally fit, and to have a low
chance of getting serious disease. Here are some supplements that can help you
to reduce weight. For more specific advices of getting slimmer, please go to
this site:
ProShapeRx - helps you get slim by
giving effects from several angles
- It lowers the appetite, it blocks carbohydrates from uptake, it blocks fat from
being deposited, it increases muscular fat metabolism and it enhances your vigour
to make you more active.
Exitor - increaser of metabolism
- Slimming help by increasing fat burning and
elevating your vitality to make you more active than before. This
product does not affect uptake of fat and sugar from the intestines.
Please go here to read more or buy - Exitor
Anabolic extreme lean - fat burner that keeps your muscles in good shape too
GenFx and Genf20Plus - pills to reverse aging for
men and women - get smoother and firmer skin, better muscles intactness, stronger sexual life and stronger physiology
- Human growth hormone has proved to help regain skin thickness, muscle
intactness, a jouvenile muscle/fat-ratio and other properties of youth. These products stimulate your body to produce more growth hormone. In addition to a rejuventation of the skin and muscles, you can also expect more sensorial acuity, better allertness, better sex drive, have it easier to loose weight, have more energy, better management of blood sugar and have a better blood circulation. Please look at the products and choose that which suits best.
VigRXPlus - pills for men to enhance erection potency, increase erection size and boost good feelings - click here
Provestra - pills for women to stimulate lubrication, sexual functions, dezire and feelings - click here
Natural medicines against many
- Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers
disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns,
carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic
fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2,
eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex,
hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media
Click here to find the right product
Some principles for effective body-building
The training principles outlined here have been proven to effectively help build up muscle mass and strength.
However, there are also several other philosophies about effective muscle building. Also other philosophies can be effective, as long as you follow them seriously. A main difference between the different philosophies is the load you use and the number of repetition. The following principles are based upon a heavy load and few repetitions. Other philosophies are based on many repetitions and lighter load. It is also possible to make individual programs based on one philosophy at some periods, and on the other in other periods.
Why does muscular training work?
To make a muscle grow it must be overloaded so that it uses greater force than normal daily activities require. As the msucle grows, the force loaded at the training sessions must be increased to secure a further increase in the muscle mass. If not the training will have an effect of only maintaining what is allready achieved. At some pont however, you should be satisfied with the achieved result, and then the aim of your training should mainly be of maintainging what you by now have.
What mechanisms that training triggers to increase muscular mass is not well determined. The level of growth hormones in the body seems to play a role. A theory sais that hard muscular work make some small injuries to muscles fibre and those small injuries effect release of substances in the muscle fibres that stimulate oter fibres to grow. This is probably some of the effect, but it is doubtable that hard training allways effect injuries to muscle fibres.
A more probable effect is that vaste products of muscular work, for example lactic acid, work as tissue hormones and stimulate resceptors at the surface of the muscle fibres and that the stimulation at these resceptors induce protein syntesis and inner building activities in the muscle fibres.
That means that you should train so hard that you actually feel the lactic acid build up in your muscles, then take a rest to let the lactic acid do its stimulative work, and repeat this procedure again some times.
That lactic acid is building up in your muscles, you can feel by diffuce iching feelings in your muscles. These diffuce feelings is not a sign of injury, but of lactic acid building up and that your training is effective. A sharper pain with a more ecact location, however, is a symptom of injury.
Some preliminaries you should think about
Two basic things to build the most amount of muscle in the least amount are a consistant training program and a consistant diet. Your diet determines over 50% of the way your body is shaped.
There are many 'regulars' at the gym, and they always look the same as the months go by. This may be fine, if they actually are shaped as they want, and are training to hold that shape. Some older persons still have a slim and firm body like a teenager, but without any great muscles, and just have the aim of keeping that body shape. Then looking the same year after year is a success. However, if their aim is to build out the body, then they are doing something wrong.
Some of them are smoking outside after their hard workout, while others are walking around in the streets carrying McDonald's bags. If you eat properly consistantly, you will get your results twice as fast.
Then, you should have a goal. What do you want? Are you a woman wanting to get slim and toned? Or a male wanting to get lean and strong? Are you an athlete wanting to add muscle for indurance? Or do you simply want to get into shape? Or do you want to gain back the sexy body shape you had as a teenager.
It is important to define your goal to determines the type of workout you will be doing.
The training program of a week
Make 3-4 training sessions each week. In the days between each session, you shall rest from muscle workout.
At each training session, you work at selected muscles of your body. During the whole week, all muscles in your body shall have got their training.
Muscle groups that you want to develop the most, shall get training at least two days each week. Muscles that already have the size you want, shall get less training. You must think about what sort of body shape you want, and then decide what muscles shall get most training and what muscles shall get less.
In the resting days meditation, yoga or other stretching exercises will be good for your body.
The training session
Each training session shall last from 45 min to 1 hour. If some day you do not manage to go through a training session, the try to divide the training in smaller sessions when you have a pause. The amount of training is important, how you divide it throughout a day is less important. But never skip training.
You should begin the session by warming up. This can be done by using lighter weight loads at the beginning, or you can warm up by jogging, jumping cycling or other activities.
You should also stretch some time at the beginning of the session before beginning the real training. Hold each stretch in 20 seconds.
Do 2- 3 types of exercise for each muscle group or body part.
For each exercize make 3-4 series or sets. Each series should contain 6-12 repetitions.
After each series, take a short brake to gain breath and rest the msucles.
To gain in muscle mass, do series with many repititions with moderate load.
To gain strength do series with few repetition with heavier load.
The effort you use at each series should be very near the maximal effort you can manage. At the last repetition in each series, you should simply not have much more to give.
In each exercise, do full movements, do not cheat.
It is adviceable to have sessions one day with one type of series, and another day with the other type of series.
As you get stronger, add to the weight load you use.
However, there is a border of load you should not pass. If you feel that the load gives you pain, or you do not feel well after an exercise, you probably use a too heavy load, and you should decrease the load to avoid hurting yourself.
You should complete the session by stretching out your hole body. hold each stretch in 20 seconds.
Some basic exercises
There are certain basic exercises that every body building program should contain. These are:
For the breast and the arms: Bench-press (laying and pressing weight up with your arms), military press (standing and lifting weight over your head).
For the arms: Biceps curl (holding the weight and flexing your underarm up and down), pushdown (standing and pushing your underarm down against a resistance, holding your overarm along your body).
For the back-side: Dead-lift (Bending down and lifting weight just up from the ground by straightening up your knees and body).
For the legs and buttocks: Squad (Having your weight on your shoulders and lifting up and down by flexing your knees).
However, to tune the shape of your body, you should add also other exercises, for example to get rounder buttocks, more marked wings, or greater biceps.
You should consult a text describing these exercises detailed to learn to do them correctly.
To develop your muscles most effectively, you should get proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids at each meal. You should have 4-6 meals each day.
It is especially important to eat carbohydrates and proteins after each work-out. Tuna is a very good protein source. Low fat cheese is also very good. And then you can get protein concentrates that give you proteins with the exact right composition for muscle mass building.
It is important that you eat in such a way that the exact amount of nutrients that you need each time during the day and night is absorbed from the intestines at the right time.
Before each workout and also rigth you should ideally consume some food with easily absorbable carbohydrates so that you have some extra easily available energy in your body to do the training intensily enough. You can achieve this by consuming some carbohydrate rich food or some supplements with a high clycemic index just before the training. Swwet fruit, like bananas and figs give you carbohydrates that you absorbe swiftly.
Ideally you should also consume some easily absorbable protein just before and just after your workouts because the muscles need extra protein just at that time for repair. Whey protein, tuna and most other types of fish is easily digested and absorbed.
The bulk of the energy you need should however be consumed so that you have a moderate and constant energy absorbtion during most of the day. You must also eat in such a way that most of the protein you consume is digested and absorbed in a constant rate during the whole day.
There are two ways of getting the right constant absorbtion rate of proteins and carbohydrates. One way is to eat often and consume just small amounts each time. The other way is to eat more seldome, but greater amounts.
Most of the carbohydrate sources you consume should have a low glycemic index, so that all of it is not absorbed at once such as carbohydrate sources like peas, beans, full corn bread and cereals and fat food of the healthy kind like olive oil, rape oil, canola oil, nuts, sunflower seeds, fat fish and the like.
If you eat many times a day, but smaller amounts, you should eat som more of carbohydrate sources that give a faster absorbtion like sweet fruit and potatoes.
For many people many small meals is better that fewer big meals. But these things are very individual. you must simply try out and find how many meals are best for you personally.
More experts advices about diet
Here you can read more about body-building nutrition:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.